Grand opening of the BRICS International Futurological Forum took place at RSUH

Grand opening of the BRICS International Futurological Forum took place at RSUH

On July 10, the opening ceremony of the BRICS International Futurological Forum “Smart Civilization: Horizontal Connections of Civil Society Organizations, Universities and Innovative Companies of the BRICS Countries is the Key to Shaping a Common Future” was held in the Academic Council Hall.

The forum was opened by Acting Rector Loginov:

In addition to successfully developing economic and political ties, for full interaction the BRICS countries also need a common space in humanities. Today, the association needs to have its own full-fledged infrastructure, which will connect the projects of the Commonwealth countries, preserve and develop their cultural and civilizational characteristics, and maintain horizontal ties between our states.”

Acting Rector emphasized that a special role in this process had been reserved for universities as conceptual platforms in international humanities, academic diplomacy, popularization of new generation educational schools and educational traditions in close cooperation with non-profit organizations and innovative companies.

RSUH is implementing educational and academic projects with almost all BRICS countries. Programs for academic mobility between universities are being carried out; platforms for holding open lectures, master classes, and summer schools for representatives of the academic community and students are organized at RSUH and partner universities. RSUH students study the languages ​​and cultures of the BRICS countries, and the study of the Russian language and Russian culture is, in turn, being popularized at partner universities,” noted Dr. Loginov.

The guests of the Forum were remotely greeted by the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Konstantin Mogilevsky and the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for digital and technological development Dmitry Peskov.

Valery Fadeev, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, Director of the Institute of Heritage and Modern Society of RSUH, made a proposal to create an Alliance of Non-Governmental Organizations for Environmental Protection and a Council for the Development of Cultural and Natural Heritage of the BRICS Countries.

We need to reinforce and expand the philosophy of the diversity of civilizations as much as possible, with specific projects and meaningful decisions,” said Valery Fadeev.

Olga Vasilyeva, President of the Russian Academy of Education, Member of the Russian Academy of Education, emphasized the leading role of education in reproducing the deep spiritual and moral foundations of the national culture of any state and made a proposal to create a Council of the BRICS countries on education.

No technological process can become the basis for preserving the national spirit and identity. Only education can provide a counterbalance to the growing risks of unification of values ​​and the imposition of foreign and alien norms. This aspect is especially important for Russia and the BRICS countries today,” said Dr. Vasilyeva.

Alexander Chubaryan, Academic Director of the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the State Academic University for the Humanities, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,mentioned the fact that the BRICS countries were unique systems, and this, in his opinion, may cause some difficulties in their interaction in a multipolar world.

The events of the Forum will be held on July 10 and 11 at RSUH and the Bauman University