Graduating ceremony held at RSUH

Graduating ceremony held at RSUH

On July 5, 2024, graduates of RSUH received diplomas of higher education; 170 winners of the “Best Graduate” competition were commended for special merits and active participation in student life at the University.

Before the ceremony, the winners of the “Best Graduate 2024” competition were celebrated in the Central Hall of RSUH. The students who had excelled at research and other activities received certificates and letters of gratitude addressed to their parents.

“Dear friends, I congratulate you on this wonderful, important, exciting, somewhat sad, but at the same time joyful event in your life - the beginning of a new life stage,” said Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Konstantin Mogilevsky.

“Dear friends, when we entered the Hall, we immediately felt such a wave of emotions, joyful sensations... Indeed, today is an important holiday for you. You will receive diplomas, many with distinction. ... Many graduates not only proved themselves to be exemplary students, did not just master educational programs and pass exams with good grades, they also excelled at research, the fine arts, artistic creativity, sports. Dear graduates! The University has been and will forever remain not only the birthplace of your professional skills, the soursce of your knowledge, life priorities and interests, but also the place where you will always find support. Be true citizens of our great Motherland. This is my most important wish. Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on completing your studies at the University and on entering a new life!” — said Acting Rector of RSUH Andrey Loginov.

Academic Director of RSUH Efim Pivovar also addressed the graduates:

“Dear graduates! You are not just graduates, you are members of our extended RSUH family, which includes faculty, staff, the current students and the alumni; those who defended their dissertations, attaining their doctoral degrees, and those who became members of the Academy of Sciences. They are all parts of the RSUH family. I congratulate you all on the fact that you, now in a new capacity, are joining this large, very good, kind, serious, active and responsible family - our educational community.”

The ceremony “RSUH Graduate-2024” took place in the courtyard of the University. 2,100 people received diplomas of higher education, including 700 with distinction. During the ceremony, members of the Rector's office and deans of faculties congratulated the graduates and expressed hope that they would maintain contact with their alma mater and continue to participate in its educational, academic and social life.