The book “Requiem for Europe” presented at RSUH

The book “Requiem for Europe” presented at RSUH

On June 25, RSUH hosted a presentation of the book “Requiem for Europe”, written by Head of the G.O.R.K.I. Center of St. Petersburg State University, professor of law, writer, expert in the field of energy, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria (2017–2019) Karin Kneissl.

The event was opened by Acting Rector Andrey Loginov. He introduced the author with a welcoming speech:

First of all, I would like to note that we deeply respect you not only as an outstanding scholar, but also as a staunch patriot of Russia. We are grateful to you for your sober appraisal of the current events and honest presentation of your point of view. I am sure that your work will be highly appreciated by readers. I am very pleased today to welcome you at RSUH and to open the presentation of your book, which meets the challenges of our time.”

Mrs. Kneissl thanked the Rector and everyone present for the kind words and spoke about what had led to the creation of her book:

When I started writing the first pages, I set myself the goal of reflecting the reality in which Europe had ceased to be a place where law and freedom of speech prevailed. It used to be a continent of promises. Unfortunately, they were not destined to come true. I especially regret that the dominant role of the law has disappeared. The essence of Europe was freedom of speech, law, constitutionalism. Now freedom of speech has gone out of science and the media.”

Co-chairman of Russian Historical Society, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education Konstantin Mogilevsky expressed confidence that the meeting would lead to the development of new ideas and the development of domestic humanities.

Dr. Andrei Sorokin, Head of the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History, editor-in-chief of the Political Encyclopedia Publishing House, which had published “Requiem”, emphasized the high value of this work for everyone involved in the socio-humanities:

In the book we see an excellent rapid analysis of the long wave of European development.”

The relevance of the topics described in the book was also noted by the First Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, Dmitry Polyansky.

"Requiem" reveals the reasons for the deplorable state of European society. Based on personal experience and a deep understanding of the current situation, the author shows how inevitable the process of degradation of Europe is, conditioned as it is by the laws of history and the characteristics of European people.

Having moved due to constant attacks and censure, first from Austria to France, and then from France to Lebanon, Karin Kneissl finally moved to Russia in September 2023. She opened a Geopolitical Observatory on Russia's Key Issues at St. Petersburg State University. Karin Kneissl has returned to lecturing and writing independent articles, despite the ongoing campaign against her in the West.