Science Personalized: RSUH professor became the hero of an exhibition of the country's leading scientists

Science Personalized: RSUH professor became the hero of an exhibition of the country's leading scientists

How to make a car for the President in four years? How to teach a neuronet to draw? Is it possible to grow the thyroidgland from one cell and when will the “organ store” appear? How to cure millions of people from cancer? How to make people's lives more comfortable and safer with the help of polymers? When will neurochips defeat Alzheimer's? The participants of the exhibition “Science Personalized” know the answers to these and many other questions. They are scientists, engineers and inventors, whose discoveries can change the world.

The third season of the Exhibition started in June. The participants of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum will be the first to see the outstanding Russian scientists. The Exhibition brought together 24 heroes from 14 regions of Russia: scientists, engineers, designers, high-tech developers, entrepreneurs, winners of the Presidential Award in the field of science and innovation for young scholars. Their innovative developments can be seen at the International Exhibition and Forum “Russia”. In June, the gallery of portraits “Science Personalized” will be unveiled at VDNKh.

Denis Sekirinsky, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, said:

“The greatest attention of visitors to the International Exhibition-Forum “Russia” was directed towards high-tech developments of Russian companies, achievements in the field of science and digitalization. These pavilions were the most popular, and in total the number of visitors has already exceeded 13 million people. But it is also important to emphasize that behind every achievement there is a specific person, and the exhibition “Science Personalized” will show those whose talent, professionalism and thirst for knowledge had made these achievements possible. Our heroes are true innovators who push science and technology forward, ensuring the technological leadership of our country."

In 2024, Dr. Evgenia Dolgova, Director of the Center for the History of Russian Science and Scientific and Technological Development, was chosen as the hero of the Exhibition. She is a laureate of the Moscow Government Award for Young Scholars for 2023 in the “Humanities” category and the Presidential Prize for supporting young scholars “Priority National Projects: Education” (2009, 2006). She was awarded the Badge of Honor from the Vavilov Institute of History of Natural Science and Technology of the RAS for her contribution to the history of science and technology (2022). She is the author of more than 150 published works on the history of Soviet science.

The photographer of the project is Slava Filippov, one of the most sought-after artists in Russia. He is the author of dozens of fashion magazine covers, star photo shoots and advertising campaigns for the largest Russian and foreign brands.

Slava Filippov shared his impressions of working with the heroes of the Exhibition:

“Science and popular magazines are two seemingly incompatible things, and this project became somewhat of a creative challenge for me. We decided to show not only the heroes, but also their developments, and this is how the concept with pictured with background screens arose. It turned out that scientists are amazingly creative people, no less so than artists. They are the creators of our future, the technologies that are available to us today and will reach a new level tomorrow. It is impossible to imagine and usher in the future without imagination and creative search, so our heroes are the real stars who should be known all over the country and become an inspiration for young people and other members of society."

The Exhibition “Science Personalized” is held with grant support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Decade of Science and Technology.

It is important to note that many of the heroes of the Exhibition are young scholars who will gather on November 20-22, 2024 at the 4th Congress of Young Scholars on the Sirius Federal Territory. It is a key event of the Decade of Science and Technology, announced by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in 2022 to unite the efforts of the professional community in the fields requiring breakthrough solutions, and to involve a young audience in Russian science.

The organizers of the Congress of Young SCholars are the RosCongress Foundation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Coordination Council for Youth Affairs in Scientific and Educational Spheres of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Science and Education. The operator of the Decade is ANCO “National Priorities”.

More information here: https://nauka.rf.


For reference:

President Vladimir Putin declared 2022-2031 the Decade of Science and Technology. The objectives of the Decade include attracting talented youth to the field of R&D, involving researchers and developers in solving the most important issues faced by society and the country, as well as increasing the availability of information about the achievements of and prospects for the development of science for Russian citizens.

On November 20-22, 2024, the key annual event of the Decade, the 4th Congress of Young Scholars, will take place on the Sirius Federal Territory. It will bring together representatives of leading scientific schools from different regions of Russia, various scientific and educational organizations, industrial partners, leaders of domestic science, and most importantly young scholars: award winners, grant recipients, students and schoolchildren from Russia and other countries.