Session of the Academic Council

Session of the Academic Council

On May 28, a session of the Academic Council was held at RSUH.

The Academic Council decided to petition the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation to award the Certificate of Honor to:

• Oleg Artemov, Professor of the Department of Management

• Galina Volkova, Professor at the Educational Center “Art Design”

• Ivan Kossov, Professor, Head of the Administrative and Legal Department

• Yuri Orlitsky, senior researcher at the Laboratory of Mandelshtam Studies

• Stanislav Timofeev, Dean of the Faculty of Law

• Irina Chirskova, Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Culture

• Galina Shevtsova, Director of the Institute of Information Sciences and Security Technologies

For special services in the creation and development of RSUH, the honorary title “Professor Emeritus of RSUH” was awarded to:

• David Feldman, Professor of the Department of Literary Criticism

• Tatyana Khorkhordina, Chair of the Department of History and Organization of Archival Affairs

• Pavel Shkarenkov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of RSUH.

For many years of work and great personal contribution to the development of RSUH, the honorary title “Honored Worker of RSUH” was awarded to:

• Lilia Bryksina, leading HR specialist

• Tatyana Grigorieva, chief librarian of RSUH

• Tatyana Dernova, leading document manager of the Administrative Department

• Elena Karaulova, Head of the Accounting Section of Accounting, Economics and Finance

• Elena Kononova, specialist in educational and methodological work of the Department of History of Russian Philosophy

• Alexander Krushelnitsky, Professor of the Department of Modern History of Russia

• Tatyana Kryzhanovskaya, specialist in educational and methodological work of the Dean’s office of the Faculty of History and Philology

• Tatyana Markelova, senior faculty member of the Department of Foreign Languages

• Yulia Novoselskaya, specialist in accounting and storage documentation of the Center "Humanitarian Archive"

• Olga Spiridonova, Deputy Head of the Administrative and Legal Department

• Natalya Falkova, Deputy Head of the Administrative and Legal Department

• Nikolai Shaburov, Professor, Chair of the Department of History of Religions.

A Certificate of Honor from RSUH for conscientious work and high qualifications in the performance of official duties was awarded to:

• Roman Zlatinsky, Dean of the Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

• Yulia Shustova, Professor of the Department of Auxiliary Historical Disciplines and Archeography

• Maxim Balashov, Head of the Office for Work with Students

• Elena Volkova, leading document specialist at the Faculty of International Relations

• Irina Vorobyova, Head of the Section of Contractual and Legal Support for Students

• Rimma Gurskaya, specialist in educational and methodological work

• Natalya De-Pelpor, specialist in educational and methodological work

• Anton Evtushenko, Head of the Maintenance Section

• Olga Makarevich, Head of the Department of Career Guidance and Admissions at RSUH

• Oksana Ozerova, Deputy Head of the Department of Education and Methodology.

The academic title of Assistant Professor was awarded to:

• Maria Kruglova, "Economic theory";

• Igor Romashin, “Document science, archival science”.

Vice-Rector Bobrov described the results of the current work related to the property fund of RSUH, in which he outlined the prospects within the framework of the development program of RSUH until 2032.

The prospect of opening a canteen in the building on Nikolskaya was discussed and it was proposed to contact the State Duma for additional support.

Vice-Rector Pavel Shkarenkov explained in detail the changes made to the rules of admission to RSUH for 2024, and put to a vote questions about amending the local regulatory documents of the University.