Days of Brazil at RSUH

Days of Brazil at RSUH

On May 20, the opening ceremony of the Days of Brazil at RSUH took place. The event (May 20-30) will include lectures, round tables, seminars, and open discussions dedicated to the history of Russian-Brazilian relations.

The event was opened by Rector Bezborodov, who said:

In recent years, friendly relations and professional contacts have been established between our university and Brazil. ... As part of building further fruitful cooperation between RSUH and Brazilian universities, it is planned to develop academic mobility programs for students and pay special attention to interaction not only in the educational, but also in the research-realated field.”

Mr. Rodrigo de Lima Baena Soares, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federative Republic of Brazil to the Russian Federation, said:

I am very pleased to be at RSUH again, because this university is in constant contact with us and we always receive support from it in the implementation of our initiatives and projects. For us, this is a sign that further cooperation between RSUH and Brazil will only become stronger over the years”.

Deputy Director of the Latin American Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Dmitry Belov noted that the precondition for the current fruitful cooperation between Russia and Brazil in BRICS and the G20 were historical relations imbued with the spirit of mutual respect.

The opening ceremony of the Days of Brazil was also attended by the Rector of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Professor Roberto de Andrade Medronho, Rector of the Fluminense Federal University, Professor Antonio Claudio Lucas da Nobrega, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of the Fluminense Federal University, Professor Livia Maria de Freitas Reis Teixeira, Coordinator of the UNESCO Department “Language Policy for Multilingualism”, Professor Gilvan Muller de Oliveira, Academic Director of the Institute of Latin America of the RAS, Professor Vladimir Davydov, Acting Director of the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Dmitry Rosenthal.

The program includes Portuguese Language Day (May 21), Brazilian Cinema Day (May 22), Russian Language Day (May 23), and Brazilian Culture Days (May 27 and 28). Open discussion “Brazil and Russia. The distant and the near” will take place on May 29. On May 30, Brazilian guests will be given a tour of Moscow.