Rector of RSUH took part in the opening of the 21st season of the All-Russian competition “My Country – My Russia”

Rector of RSUH took part in the opening of the 21st season of the All-Russian competition “My Country – My Russia”

On May 16, the Federation Council hosted the grand opening of the 21st season of the competition “My Country – My Russia” of the presidential platform “Russia – Land of Opportunities”.

The Competition is being held for the 21st year. The main goal is to attract young people to the implementation of projects to resolve socio-economic issues and improve existing management systems of Russian territories.

The opening ceremony was attended by the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Liliya Gumerova, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Konstantin Mogilevsky, First Deputy General Director of the NCO "Russia - Land of Opportunities" Alexey Agafonov, creator and academic director of the competition "My the country is my Russia" Larisa Pastukhova, General Director of the Mashuk Knowledge Center Anton Serikov, Deputy Chairman of the Board Marat Zakirov.

Rector Bezborodov told the participants about the University’s support for social projects developed by young people. He also noted that the All-Russian competition of original projects and projects in the field of education “My Country is My Russia” actively supported initiatives in the area of creative industries for the development of the country’s regions and that such developments were relevant for humanitarian knowledge.

The ceremonial start of the competition was given by the Hero of Russia, pilot-cosmonaut Denis Matveev, who joined the event from the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center.

At the meeting, the participants presented successfully implemented projects in the areas of ecology, sports, preservation of historical memory and traditional values. Vladislav Kurbatov spoke about the St. Petersburg Youth Historical Forum. Young scholars Igor and Gleb Leman developed a mobile station "Eco-clever". The Rybakov family, founders of the Mari Immersive Theater of the Peoples of Russia, announced the theme of the new season in the Year of the Family - “Preservation of family values and traditions”.