Congratulations from the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation on Victory Day

Congratulations from the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation on Victory Day

Dear veterans, dear friends.

Victory Day is a special, truly national holiday. Faced with an unprecedented challenge of the largest aggression in our entire thousand-year history, the Soviet people responded with unbreakable unity and mass heroism.

Great feats were accomplished at the front and in the rear. Scientists, designers and engineers made their contribution to the fight against the invaders by inventing and improving technologies, finding new properties of materials, discovering mineral deposits and achieving other successes. They ensured the economic stability of the country and the uninterrupted flow of products needed by the front. Another huge achievement was the beginning of the Soviet nuclear project, which was a huge contribution, comparable to a successful strategic military operation. Its results continue to provide Russia with a special status on the world stage.

During the Great Patriotic War, thousands of teachers and students went to the front to defend their homeland. Many of them did not return, having sacrificed their lives for the Fatherland. The fate of those people will forever remain a high moral guideline for our people, including for those who continue to defend the country from the threat of neo-Nazism, help participants in a special military operation, rebuild universities in new regions or give lectures under enemy fire.

Our common civic duty is to be worthy of the generation of winners, to defend historical truth and to protect our sovereignty.

We give a low bow to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War - soldiers, officers and front workers. I wish you good health, strength of spirit and prosperity!

Happy holiday! Happy Great Victory Day!