Measles prevention

Measles prevention

According to Rospotrebnadzor, cases of measles among young people and adults have become more widespread.

Measles is a viral disease that is very easily transmitted to everyone who has not received vaccinations. The main symptoms of the disease are fever, weakness, general feeling of malaise, a rash spread over the body, as well as damage to the upper respiratory tract and eyes.

The disease is highly contagious. In recent years, adults as well as (rarely) vaccinated person have gotten sick. This is due to the fact that after 10–15 years, immunity to measles decreases.

A sick person is capable of infecting other people 3-4 days before the appearance of his rash. The rash lasts for 9-10 days.

Symptoms of illness do not appear immediately. The latent period can last up to 8-15 days. It is followed by a catarrhal period (3-5 days). During this period, the sick person feels unwell, his temperature rises, accompanied by a runny nose, dry cough, etc.

The disease is rife with complications:

  • severe inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia);
  • diseases of the nervous system (encephalitis and meningitis);
  • inflammation of the ear (otitis media, eustachyitis);
  • damage to the larynx (laryngitis);
  • chronic diseases of the intestines.


The most effective way to avoid getting measles is vaccination. The measles vaccine is given to children at the age of 12-18 months. It is free.

For people who have not been vaccinated and did not have measles in the past, there is emergency (urgent) treatment via anti-measles gamma globulin at a clinic.

The room of a sick person does not require special treatment, since the virus quickly dies after airing.