The image of a common future in the discourse of gender studies in the CIS countries and Russia was discussed at the Second Shanyavsky Readings at RSUH

The image of a common future in the discourse of gender studies in the CIS countries and Russia was discussed at the Second Shanyavsky Readings at RSUH

On March 5, 2024, the Faculty of Sociology of RSUH organized and held an international conference dedicated to gender studies.

The event was opened by the chairman of the steering committee, Dr. Milovanova. She noted the great interest in the topic of the conference, as more than 140 participants had registered for the event, representing 14 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 65 academic institutions of Russia and 7 from abroad: Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, India, France.

On behalf of RSUH, Dr. Zabotkina, Acting Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, gave a welcoming speech, in which she paid special attention to the representation of Russian experts in the field of gender studies and the international range of participants in the event.

Dr. Ryabova, Professor of the Department of Sociology of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, addressed the participants on behalf of the Research Committee on Gender Political Science of the Russian Association of Political Science. Dr. Kravchenko, President of the Confederation of Labor of Russia, member of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation, spoke about practical work in the trade union agenda to protect women's labor rights.

The basis of the academic discussion of the plenary session was the presentation made by Dr. Sillaste, Academic Director of the Department of Sociology of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation on the topic “Formation of the new world socio-gender order as an indicator of the value conflict of freedom and traditions in the mass female consciousness”.

Dr. Petroia, Associate Professor of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldava, spoke on the topic “Paternity leave as a way to achieve gender equality in the Republic of Moldova”. Dr. Makhmutkhodzhaeva, Chair of the Department of International Economics and Business of the Tashkent Branch of the Plekhanov University, touched upon the role of women scientists in Uzbekistan.

Dr. Pugach, Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Comparative Studies of the Quality of Higher Education at MISIS, spoke about Russian and foreign experience of education systems and their socio-gender landscape.  Dr. Shvetsova, senior researcher at the Yeltsin Ural Federal University, made a presentation “Modern studies of motherhood and fatherhood”.

Issues of regional specificity of gender studies and gender differences in social optimism of the population of the Republic of Tyva were raised by Dr. Natsak, Professor of the Tuva Institute of Humanitarian and Applied Socio-Economic Research.

Mr. Mikhin, B.A., RSUH, presented new data on Lydia and Alphons Shanyavsky found in the archival documents of Moscow churches.

Dr. Milovanova made a presentation “New Eurasianism vs. The image of the future and the mission of creation: gender emphasis”, in which she said that the clearer the image of the future among gender communities in their spheres of engagement (politics, economics, spiritual life, culture, education, science, etc.) and employment (home, everyday life, everyday life, work, leisure), the more comprehensive and inclusive can the new social contract of the civilizational space of Russia and the CIS countries become.

According to the data for June 2023, 43% of respondents of the RAS survey are confident that “sooner or later a process of unification of peoples will begin around Russia”.