Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Lyudmila Skakovskaya visited RSUH

Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Lyudmila Skakovskaya visited RSUH

On February 19, the executive members of RSUH met with the Senator of the Russian Federation from the Tver region Lyudmila Skakovskaya and members of the cooperation group of the Federation Council with the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Zimbabwe, to discuss the prospects for cooperation with African countries.

Rector Bezborodov spoke about the rich history of interaction between our University and African states and noted the outstanding work of the International Center for Applied African Studies. He paid special attention to overcoming the difficulties that arise when identifying common interests with African partners in the field of humanities. Senator Lyudmila Skakovskaya noted:

“I am very pleased on behalf of our group to greet you and thank you for training highly qualified experts on Africa. We express great respect for your academic school and hope that the work in this area will continue to improve, allowing us not to experience a shortage of personnel in this field".

RSUH was also represented by First Vice-Rector Olga Pavlenko, Acting Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Vera Zabotkina and Director of the International Center for Applied African Studies Alexander Zotin.

Dr. Alexander Zotin was commended by the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of cooperation with African states.