RSUH students visited the student lecture “We are different! We are equal! We are together!” held at the Znanie site at VDNKh

RSUH students visited the student lecture “We are different! We are equal! We are together!” held at the Znanie site at VDNKh

The event was aimed at demonstrating the potential of the educational opportunities of higher education in the Russian Federation, both in terms of the quality of knowledge acquired in the field of science and education, and in terms of the development of equal intercultural, interethnic and interfaith ties.

The event was attended by representatives of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, heads of student organizations and associations, as well as international students of Moscow universities. The event was also attended by student delegations from RSUH, Moscow Aviation Institute, State University, Pushkin Institute of Russian Language, Kosygin Russian State University, MISiS, STANKIN. The RSUH delegation consisted of more than 60 people.

Olga Petrova, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, opened the event with a welcoming speech.

Active members of the Association of International Students (AIS) presented their projects.

Daria Vasina spoke about the creation of the AIS information and communication platform and its capabilities.

Miroslava Montsmanova introduced her original project “Hello, my Moscow!”

Issa Shaabo, spoke about the forum for international students “Russia Made Us Friends”.

The master class “How to remain human in a fragmented world? Trends in International Affairs” was presented by Director of the Institute of Strategic Studies and Forecasts of RUDN Dmitry Egorchenkov.

The project “International Volunteer Program Ambassadors of the Russian Language in the World” was presented by the Director of the Center for External Communications and Development of International Youth Programs of the Pushkin Institute of Russian Language Svetlana Ulyanova.

Honorary Consul of Lebanon in Peru Abu Zahra Hamed Muhiedina and members of his family (graduates of Soviet and Russian universities) spoke as to why they had chosen Russia to get their education.

The program ended with a presentation by Larisa Efremova, Vice-Rector for International Activities of RUDN, on the promotion of Russian education and science on leading international platforms.