The All-Russian Conference “The Image of the Future in the Context of Global Demographic Processes” was held at RSUH

The All-Russian Conference “The Image of the Future in the Context of Global Demographic Processes” was held at RSUH

On January 26, at RSUH, as part of the XXXII International Christmas Educational Readings, the All-Russian Conference “The Image of the Future in the Context of Global Demographic Processes” was held, attended by leading experts in the field of legislation, education, medicine, public and information security from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and other cities

The Conference was organized by the “Association of Orthodox Scientists”, Public Center for the Protection of Traditional Family Values “Ivan Chai”, Center for Cross-Border Legal Research of the National Research University “BelSU”. International Christmas educational readings are aimed at educating, upbringing and enlightening young people, promoting cooperation of the Church and the state in order to preserve the Russian people.

Rector Bezborodov emphasized the importance of the event:

“I must say that the history of interaction between RSUH and diocesan archbishops, with the Russian Orthodox Church, and clergy goes back many decades. …. This interaction is a completely organic unity and we are ready to continue with it. I am grateful to the organizers of the Conference for setting up such an important meeting dedicated to the issues related to family values. In the future, I think the University can become even more significant for the development and coordination of educational programs and their implementation”.

In his welcoming speech, the Chairman of the Association of Orthodox Scientists, Archpriest Gennady Zaridze, expressed confidence that such discussions will help advance in overcoming the demographic crisis.

Sergei Baburin, Academic Director of the Center for Civilization and Integration Studies at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, warned that when constructing the image of the future of Russia, along with the rights and freedoms of modern man, one should not forget about the immortal triumvirate - faith, hope, love:

“There are goals that are on par with human rights and freedoms. This is the Fatherland, holy values, morality.” Taking into account the general interest and relevance of the topic, during the discussions, guests of the event had the opportunity to directly discuss issues with the speakers. Representatives of various specializations contributed their unique points of view, resulting in new ideas and proposals that contribute to the development of society”.

Dr. Elina Zhgutova, Chairman of the Board of the Public Center for the Protection of Traditional Family Values “Ivan Chai”, said:

“You and I have the opportunity to reach national sovereignty at a new level. We must say a new word, present a new vision, create a productive scientific and practical program for Russia's demographic security. And only then will we be able to understand what kind of future the next generations should prepare for”.

The head of the Center for Trans-Border Legal Research at Belgorod State National Research University Elena Safronova analyzed the influence of the World Health Organization on global demographic processes. And the impact of urbanization on demography was traced by Oleg Leonov, representative of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly.

The topic of family values from the perspective of reproductive health was raised by Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Veronika Vlasova.

Professor of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation Igor Ponkin spoke about the dangerous influence of “anti-child” toys on raising children.

Natalya Kasperskaya, president of the InfoWatch group of companies, chairman of the board of “Domestic Software”, spoke about information security issues and the rapid invasion of artificial intelligence into our lives.