Andrey Loginov, Acting Rector of RSUH, met with the student representatives of the University


Andrey Loginov, Acting Rector of RSUH, met with the student representatives of the University

On June 28, a meeting was held between Acting Rector Loginov and student activists.

During the Q&A session, Dr. Loginov paid special attention to the students’ initiative to organize celebratory events in honor of the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. He said:

“For us, Victory Day of May 9 and the Victory Parade are not just a tradition. For us, this is an annual confirmation of a historical fact: the Soviet people did not just prevail in the Great Patriotic War, but were also the main winner of World War II, no matter what some people are trying to say and no matter how hard they are trying to “rethink” everything. Therefore, we will hold our events not “to imitate”, but to infuse them with deep content”.

Answering a question from the Chairman of the Student Council of the RSUH dormitory, Dr. Loginov assured the students that he would definitely visit the dorm:

“The dorm is the face of the University. Problems with student dorms began back in the 90s, when many universities paid insufficient attention to these issues.”

According to the Acting Rector, one of the priorities for the Ministry is construction of modern campuses:

“I believe that our main financial expenses should be aimed at improving the quality of both the educational premises and the dormitories. I do not differentiate here, because classrooms, public spaces, places of recreation, and so on — everything must meet the requirements of safety, aesthetics, and quality.”

In response to a question about sports, Dr. Loginov noted that it was necessary to think about which sports to prioritize in order to develop the athletic complex of RSUH.

According to the Acting Rector, the University will support every student athlete who achieves professional success.

The Acting Rector listened carefully to all suggestions and expressed a willingness to continue open communication and work together to meet the needs of the student community.