All-Russian Conference "Coverage of the Great Patriotic War in Modern Media" took place at RSUH


All-Russian Conference "Coverage of the Great Patriotic War in Modern Media" took place at RSUH

The event was held on May 4, 2023, organized by RSUH in cooperation with the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Philology and Mass Communications of Mariupol State University and the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University. Rector Bezborodov delivered a welcoming speech in which he noted the importance of the Conference and the need to highlight the theme of the Great Patriotic War at the present time.

The Conference participants discussed current trends in the study of the history of the Great Patriotic War and its coverage in the domestic and foreign media space. Attention was paid to the development of practical recommendations for solving urgent issues of preserving historical memory and fostering patriotism among young people.

Dr. Larisa Sivolap, Rector of Mariupol State University, said: “This Conference is especially significant on the eve of the celebration of the 78th anniversary of the Great Victory. All of us today were united by a topic about which we could not speak openly for quite a long time.”

President Pivovar said: “For us this event is uncommon and very significant. Together with our partners, we are starting a new period of cooperation not only in the historical and archival field, but also in many other fields that our University is engaged in.”

First Vice-Rector Pavlenko spoke about the fruitful work of colleagues from RSUH and partner universities.