Academic Council discussed educational and extracurricular activities at RSUH


Academic Council discussed educational and extracurricular activities at RSUH

Extracurricular work with students was one of the main topics of discussion at the session of the Academic Council, held on May 26 online.

Dr. Irakly Bolkvadze, Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work with Students, said in his report, “Much attention is paid to social issues related to scholarships, payments. Everything is fine here, during the academic year not a single complaint has been lodged. There are 21 types of scholarships at the University, two people have already received the new Knorozov scholarship. This year, more than 19 million rubles were allocated for support, with 587 people submitting applications for it. As a rule, assistance is provided to the budget students, but this year the University decided to allocate money received from the endowment fund for assistance to students of the tuition-based form of education.

An equally important factor is supporting students living in dormitories of partner universities. We can almost completely compensate for their costs of living in alternative dorms. The list of those awaiting accommodation has noticeably decreased compared to the beginning of the year thanks to cooperation with dorms of other universities, and this cooperation should be expanded.

Almost a thousand people live in our dorm on Kirovogradskaya, 179 of them are students with benefits, 151 are foreigners. In addition, we have reserved places for all the bachelors who entered our graduate school. RSUH has also approved the construction of a new dorm, and its availability will become a great competitive advantage for the University.

Civiс and patriotic education is aimed at cultural and creative activities, counteracting negative manifestations among young people, developing student self-governance, adapting freshmen to the university environment, promoting employment, career guidance and psychological support. There are about twenty interest clubs in the RSUH. We hold Donor Days, students meet famous people - politicians, artists, filmmakers, athletes, the Volunteer Center is actively working.”

Dr. Bolkvadze also noted that in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Education, a socio-psychological testing of students was about to get under way, and separately thanked the Institute of Psychology for its help.

One of the priorities, according to Dr. Bolkvadze, was advanced training for the faculty responsible for extracurricular educational work. It is deemed necessary to introduce an institute of curatorship at the extramural level, comprehensively approach the social networks as regards RSUH presence there, and conduct inter-faculty and inter-university contests, competitions, and quests more often. RSUH should also provide activities aimed at reducing social tension among students, which might appear due to changes in the educational process.

Dr. Olga Pavlenko, First Vice-Rector for Research, announced that a new section “Science” had appeared on RSUH website, prepared by the Department of Research with the Joint Press Service.

- Olga Pavlenko, First Vice-Rector for Research

Dr. Olga Pavlenko, First Vice-Rector for Research, announced that a new section “Science” had appeared on RSUH website, prepared by the Department of Research with the Joint Press Service. The section presents the results of fundamental and applied research, lists the corresponding structures, reflects the directions of academic interests of the University. In addition, any employee can click on “Tell us about your research” and share information about their achievements.

Dr. Nadezhda Arkhipova, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, reported on amendments and addenda to the Admission-2020.

- Dr. Nadezhda Arkhipova, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

Dr. Nadezhda Arkhipova, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, reported on amendments and addenda to the Admission-2020.

She said that the application process through personal accounts and the remote format of entrance exams have already been approved. Amendments were made to the application forms and the agreement on the provision of paid educational services. The deadline for admission (August 3) and for entrance examinations for graduate school was been extended.

As planned, starting on June 1, each Institute or Faculty will be conducting its own Open Door Day Online once a week. The training of executive secretaries of the Admissions will take place on June 2, training of operators on June 8. The early application registration will be launched on June 1.

"This will allow RSUH to fully meet the needs of the modern educational environment and the labor market."

- Rector Alexander Bezborodov

The speech of the Rector dealt with the strategy of the University's development in terms of optimizing the structure, focusing on conglomerated groups of majors and tracks, forming a wider interdisciplinary space, supporting institutions with two or more faculties. “This will allow the RSUH to fully meet the needs of the modern educational environment and the labor market,” Rector emphasized.

The Academic Council also discussed changes in the stimulating part of an effective contract. There was a proposal to increase the number of points for conducting online events, primarily related to the 75th anniversary of the Victory.

Also approved were Rules of Conducting Sessions of the Academic Council of RSUH in video conferencing mode, new versions of regulation on the title “Honorary Doctor, HONORIS CAUSA, RSUH”, regulation on the awarding of the title “Honored Professor of RSUH”, and regulation on the awarding of the title “Honored Worker of the RSUH”.