Jointly with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Research into Consequences of War (Austria), Institute of Global history (RAS), Russian State Archive of Social and Political History, etc.
Supervisor – Prof. Pavlenko.
Year of entry into the collaboration – 2019.
Organization of conferences and preparation for publication of a collective monograph covering the following topics:
Organization of conferences and preparation for publication of a collective monograph covering the following topics:
The role of neutral states in the shaping of the Soviet policy as regards the CSCE and the Helsinki Act;
Soviet diplomacy and the role of the main European neutral states in the strategy of Soviet foreign policy;
Soviet views on the economic aspects of the process of preparing the conclusion of the Helsinki Act utral states in the shaping of the Soviet policy as regards the CSCE and the Helsinki Act;
Soviet diplomacy and the role of the main European neutral states in the strategy of Soviet foreign policy;
Soviet views on the economic aspects of the process of preparing the conclusion of the Helsinki Act.
Organization of conferences, participation in the preparation of a collective monograph, assistance to foreign researchers in working with Russian archives.
Organization of conferences, participation in the preparation of a collective monograph, assistance to foreign researchers in working with Russian archives.