The main task of the Institute is to prepare highly qualified specialists in the area of international relations. The students process a large amount of information, which allows them to be well-versed in what is taking place today in the post-Soviet space. The program develops practical skills, including the knowledge of two or three foreign languages. Thus, over the four-year period, the students build an extensive base of knowledge and skills necessary for an expert in the field of international relations in the Eurasian space. M.A. studies lead to a new level of skills. They include an internship at the University of Paris-8, which allows the students to receive two master's degrees, this contributing to a successful career development.
The faculty members are active in the academic and practical expert fields. The Institute routinely holds conferences, seminars, in which students also take part. The articles of the Institute are published in a number of peer-reviewed journals, textbooks and periodicals.