№ | Country | Name of the organization | Contract details (name, date, number, validity period) |
1 | Azerbaijan | Baku State University | Memorandum of Cooperation 20.11.2015 Automatic renewal |
2 | Azerbaijan | Baku Slavic University | Joint Activity Agreement 02.12.2015 Automatic renewal |
3 | Azerbaijan | Sumgait State University | General Agreement 06.08.2021 Automatic renewal |
4 | Armenia | Yerevan State Linguistic University named after V.Y. Bryusov | Cooperation Agreement 20.01.2011 Automatic renewal |
5 | Armenia | Yerevan State University | Cooperation Agreement. Planned to be concluded |
6 | Armenia |
Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University |
Cooperation Agreement 30.03.2015 - 30.03.2025 |
7 |
Belarus |
Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus | General Agreement 13.05.2021 - 13.05.2026 |
8 |
Belarus |
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics | Memorandum of Understanding 01.12.2020 - 01.12.2025 |
9 |
Belarus |
Belarusian State University of Economics | Cooperation Agreement 31.03.2023 – 31.03.2028 |
10 |
Belarus |
Belarusian-Russian University | Cooperation Agreement Agreement on the scientific and educational project "Gromyko Center for Eurasian Studies" 01.11.2022 Automatic renewal |
11 |
Belarus |
Belarusian-Russian University | General Agreement 15.09.2021 Automatic renewal |
12 |
Belarus |
Educational institution "Polotsk State University" | Cooperation Agreement 28.01.2020 – 28.01.2025 |
13 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Banja Luka University | General Agreement 03.02.2023 – 03.02.2028 |
14 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Banja Luka University | Protocol on Bilateral Exchanges 03.02.2023 – 03.02.2028 |
15 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | University of East Sarajevo | General Agreement 05.07.2022 Automatic renewal |
16 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | University of East Sarajevo | Protocol on Bilateral Exchanges 05.07.2022 – 05.07.2027 |
17 |
Brazil |
Londrina State University, Federal University of Bahia, Federal University of ABC | Memorandum of Understanding 15.03.2023 – 15.03.2028 |
18 |
Brazil |
University of Sao Paulo | General Agreement 15.12.2020 - 15.12.2025 |
19 |
Brazil |
University of Sao Paulo | Exchange Agreement 25.11.2020 - 25.11.2025 |
20 |
Brazil |
Federal University ABC | Protocol on Bilateral Exchanges 15.10.2024 – 15.10.2029 |
21 |
Brazil |
Federal University of Minas Gerais | General Cooperation Agreement 20.03.2024 – 20.03.2029 |
22 |
Brazil |
Federal University of Rio De Janeiro | Agreement on Cooperation in Science and Education 28.09.2023 – 28.09.2029 |
23 |
Brazil |
Federal University of Rio De Janeiro | Special agreement on bilateral exchanges 23.03.2024 – 23.03.2029 |
24 |
Brazil |
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul | General Agreement 11.10.2023 – 11.10.2028 |
25 |
Brazil |
Federal University of Fluminense | Academic Cooperation Agreement 13.02.2023 – 13.02.2028 |
26 |
Brazil |
Federal University of Santa Catarina State | Cooperation Agreement 16.10.2024 - 16.10.2029 |
27 |
Brazil |
Federal University of South Bahia | General Cooperation Agreement 15.10.2024 – 15.10.2029 |
28 | Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City Pedagogical University | Cooperation Agreement. Planned to be concluded |
29 | Guatemala | Rafael Ayau Experimental College | General Agreement 28.06.2019 Automatic renewal |
30 | Honduras | University named after Olga and Manuel Ayau Cordon | Cooperation Agreement 19.12.2021 - 19.12.2031 |
31 | Egypt | Egyptian-Russian University | General Agreement 31.05.2023-31.05.2028 |
32 | Egypt | Misra University of Science and Technology | Copperation Agreement 17.08.2023 – 17.08.2028 |
33 | Zimbabwe | Institute of African Studies | General Agreement 03.11.2022 Automatic renewal |
34 | Zimbabwe | National Gallery of Zimbabwe | General Agreement 11.02.2023 Automatic renewal |
35 | India | Chandigarh University | General Agreement 23.05.2022 Automatic renewal |
36 | India | Girijananda Chowdhury University | General Agreement 11.09.2023 – 11.09.2028 |
37 | India | University of Pune named after Savitribai Phule | Cooperation Agreement. Planned to be concluded |
38 | Iran | Research Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Technologies | Memorandum of Understanding 16.07.2024 – 16.07.2029 |
39 | Iran | Isfahan University | Memorandum of Understanding 20.07.2023 – 20.07.2028 |
40 | Iran | Cultural Representation at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Russian Federation | Memorandum of Cooperation 24.01.2012 Automatic renewal |
41 | Iran | Allame Tabatabai University | General Agreement 28.02.2024 - 28.02.2029 |
42 | Iran | Imam Sadiq University | General Agreement 28.02.2024 – 28.02.2029 |
43 | Iran | Shahid Beheshti University | General Agreement 29.04.2023 - 29.04.2028 |
44 | Kazakhstan | Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan | Social Partnership Agreement 16.11.2016 Automatic renewal |
45 | Kazakhstan | L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University | Cooperation Agreement 14.07.2009 Automatic renewal |
46 | Kazakhstan | Al-Farabi Kazakh National University | Agreement on the implementation of a joint international master's degree program for two degrees in Linguistics 09.12.2013 Automatic renewal |
47 | Kazakhstan | Al-Farabi Kazakh National University | Agreement on the implementation of a joint international master's program of two diplomas in the field of Archival Science 28.09.2020 Automatic renewal |
48 | Kazakhstan | Al-Farabi Kazakh National University | Cooperation Agreement 29.03.2024 – 29.03.2029 |
49 | Kazakhstan | Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai | Cooperation Agreement 01.07.2019 Automatic renewal |
50 | Kazakhstan | S.Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University | General Agreement 01.02.2018 Automatic renewal |
51 | Kazakhstan | Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan | General Agreement 25.11.2021Automatic renewal |
52 | Kazakhstan | Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan | Protocol on Bilateral Exchanges 30.11.2021 Automatic renewal |
53 | Kazakhstan | Non-profit Joint-stock Company "Karaganda University named after academician E.A. Buketov | Cooperation Agreement 29.03.2024 - 29.03.2029 |
54 | Kazakhstan | Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company "Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan University | General Agreement 07.01.2021 - 07.01.2026 |
55 | Kazakhstan | Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz | General Agreement 10.07.2023 Automatic renewal |
56 | Kyrgyzstan | Bishkek State University named after Kuseina Karasaeva | General Agreement 29.12.2023 Automatic renewal |
57 | Kyrgyzstan | Jalal-Abad State University named after B. Osmonov | Protocol on Bilateral Exchanges 12.10.2023 – 12.10.2028 |
58 | Kyrgyzstan | Kassym Tynystanov Issyk-Kul State University | Cooperation Agreement 12.10.2023 – 12.10.2028 |
59 | Kyrgyzstan | Zhusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University | Cooperation Agreement 12.10.2023 – 12.10.2028 |
60 | Kyrgyzstan | B.N. Yeltsin Kyrgyz-Russian (Slavic) University | General Agreement 29.10.2021 Automatic renewal |
61 | Kyrgyzstan | B.N. Yeltsin Kyrgyz-Russian (Slavic) University | Protocol on Bilateral Exchanges 19.04.2023 – 19.04.2028 |
62 | Kyrgyzstan | B.N. Yeltsin Kyrgyz-Russian (Slavic) University | Agreement on the scientific and educational project "Center for Eurasian Studies" 14.12.2022 Automatic renewal |
63 | Kyrgyzstan | Osh State University | General Agreement 08.06.2022 Automatic renewal |
64 | China | Hangzhou Zhongxu Hohe Cultural Exchange Company, LLC | General Agreement 18.11.2020-18.11.2025 |
65 | China | Hangzhou Zhongxu Hohe Cultural Exchange Company, LLC | Memorandum of Understanding 14.11.2023 – 14.11.2028 |
66 | China | University of Economics and Business | Cooperation Agreement. Planned to be concluded |
67 | China | University of Economics and Business | Protocol on Bilateral Exchanges. Planned to be concluded |
68 | China | Heilongjiang Institute of Foreign Languages | Memorandum of Understanding 14.11.2023 – 14.11.2028 |
69 | China | Central University of Nationalities | General Agreement 12.10.2020 Automatic renewal |
70 | China | The headquarters of the Confucius Institute | Agreement on the development of the Confucius Institute at the RSUH 27.12.2017 - 27.12.2027 |
71 | China | Central University of Nationalities | Protocol on Bilateral Exchanges 08.03.2022 – 12.10.2025 |
72 | Democratic People's Republic of Korea | Pyongyang Institute of Foreign Languages | Agreement on Bilateral Cooperation. Planned to be concluded |
73 | Mexico | Autonomous University of Yucatan | General Cooperation Agreement 17.10.2023 – 17.10.2029 |
74 | Mexico | Autonomous University of Yucatan | Student Exchange Agreement 17.10.2023 – 17.10.2029 |
75 | Mexico | Latin American University named after Jose Marti in Merida | Cooperation Agreement 09.11.2022 – 09.11.2032 |
76 | Mozambique | Eduardo Mondlane University | General Agreement 27.02.2024 – 27.02.2029 |
77 | Mongolia | University of the Humanities | General Agreement 23.10.2023 – 23.10.2028 |
78 | Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic |
University of the Humanities T.G. Shevchenko Pridnestrovian State University |
General Agreement 18.05.2021 Automatic renewal |
79 | Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic |
University of the Humanities T.G. Shevchenko Pridnestrovian State University |
Supplementary Agreement to the Framework Agreement on Cooperation 18.05.2021 Automatic renewal |
80 | Recruiting | International Educational Alliance "Association of Western and Eastern Education UWEE" | Coopeartion Agreement 10.12.2022 Automatic renewal |
81 | Recruiting | Weihai TUDE Educational and Advisory Company, LLC | General Agreement 15.06.2022 - 15.06.2025 |
82 | Recruiting | Fangzhou Agency for International Education and Training, LLC | General Agreement 15.06.2022 - 15.06.2025 |
83 | Recruiting | MING YANG Education LLC | General Agreement 23.05.2022 – 23.05.2025 |
84 | Recruiting | Shanxi Scientific and Technical Company "Senyunda" | General Agreement 25.04.2024 - 25.04.2027 |
85 | Recruiting | NGO "European-Asian Cultural Association" | General Agreement 09.09.2022 Automatic renewal |
86 | Recruiting | Fujian Overseas Education Technology Co. Ltd. | General Agreement 15.06.2022 Automatic renewal |
87 | Recruiting | Liaocheng Chiping District Vocational Educational Center School | General Agreement 14.02.2023 - 14.02.2026 |
88 | Recruiting | Krozzman Agency | General Agreement 16.01.2023 Automatic renewal |
89 | Recruiting | ANO "Export of Education" | Agreement on recruting foreign citizens 28.05.2019 Automatic renewal |
90 | Russian Federation | Ibn Sina Foundation for the Study of Islamic Culture | Bilateral Cooperation Agreement 24.12.2024 - 24.12.2029 |
91 | Rossotrudnichestvo | Federal Agency for CIS Affairs and Rossotrudnichestvo | Cooperation Agreement 13.04.2023 Automatic renewal |
92 | Serbia | University of Belgrade | General Agreement 09.05.2024 - 09.05.2029 |
93 | Sudan | University of Khartoum | General Agreement 15.01.2021 - 15.01.2026 |
94 | Tadjikistan | Interstate Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University" | Additional Agreement 22.10.2021 Automatic renewal |
95 | Tadjikistan | Interstate Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University" | General Agreement 15.09.2021 Automatic renewal |
96 | Tadjikistan | Interstate Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University" | Agreement on the scientific and educational project "Center for Eurasian Studies" 22.11.2022 |
97 | Tadjikistan | Tajik National University | General Agreement 17.12.2021 Automatic renewal |
98 | Tadjikistan | Khorog State University named after M. Nazarshoev | Cooperation Agreement 12.04.2024 – 12.04.2029 |
99 | Tanzania | Institute of Accounting Tanzania | General Agreement 29.02.2024 - 29.02.2029 |
100 | Turkey | International Educational Center "MVE Academy" | General Agreement 03.06.2022 – 03.06.2025 |
101 | Turkey | Erciyes University | General Agreement 15.04.2021 Automatic renewal |
102 | Turkey | Erciyes University | Protocol on Bilateral Exchanges 15.04.2021 - 15.04.2026 |
103 | Uzbekistan | Sharof Rashidov Samarkand State University | General Agreement 03.03.2023 Automatic renewal |
104 | Uzbekistan | Sharof Rashidov Samarkand State University | The agreement on the implementation of Master's degree educational programs in a networked (joint) form on 31.03.2023 is valid until the end of the term of study for students enrolled in 2026/2027 academic years. |
105 | Uzbekistan | Sharof Rashidov Samarkand State University | Supplementary Agreement No. 1 to the Agreement on the implementation of Master's Degree educational programs in a networked (joint) form 04.04.2023 is valid until the end of the term of study for students enrolled in 2026/2027 academic years. |
106 | Uzbekistan | Samarkand State University of Economics and Service | General Agreement 22.05.2023 - 22.05.2028 |
107 | Uzbekistan | Tashkent State Pedagogical University | General Agreement 18.10.2018 Automatic renewal |
108 | Uzbekistan | Uzbek State University of World Languages | Cooperation Agreement. Planned to be concluded |
109 | Uzbekistan | Urgench State Pedagogical Institute | Cooperation Agreement 18.01.2024 Automatic renewal |
110 | Uzbekistan | Urgench State University | General Agreement 10.02.2022 Automatic renewal |
111 | Chile | Bernardo O'Higgins University | Cooperation Agreement 12.09.2022 Automatic renewal |
112 | Ethiopia | Jinki University | Memorandum of Understanding. At the conclusion stage |
113 | South Africa | Robben Island Museum | General Agreement. At the conclusion stage |
114 | South Africa | University of South Africa | General Agreement. At the conclusion stage |
115 | South Ossetia | State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "South Ossetian State University | General Agreement 19.09.2022 Automatic renewal |