About us

Golenishchev International Educational and Scientific Center for Egyptology

Golenishchev International Educational and Scientific Center for Egyptology is one of the few places in Russia that provides an opportunity to gain fundamental knowledge in the field of egyptology. The Center was created at the Russian State University for Humanities in 2000 and directed by Eleonora Kormysheva head of the Russian archaeological mission of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Giza with the support of the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Moscow. It was named by the first Russian egyptologist Vladimir Semenovich Golenishchev, who gathered a big collection of different kinds of egyptian objects and papyrus which is now in Moscow and Saint Petersbourg museums. He created the Egyptological department in the Cairo University. The basis of his scientific interests was egyptian philology. The Golenishev center at RSUH continues this tradition. Our students study Ancient Egyptian, Coptic and modern Arabic as part of bachelor’s degree and master’s degree programs, combining theoretical knowledge on various aspects of Egyptian history, religion and culture with practice in Egypt. Students are given the opportunity to gain archaeological experience on the basis of the Russian Archaeological mission at Giza.

The Center is a part of the Institute of Eastern Cultures and Antiquity, and cooperates with other subdivisions of the Russian State University for Humanities, as well as with the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Moscow.

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