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Press service center

Press service center

The goal of the Press Service in the framework of international activities can be defined as strengthening of the image of RSUH as a leading liberal arts university in Russia, promoting the RSUH brand among foreign target audience, and drawing attention to the innovative potential of the University abroad.

The experts of the Service analyze RSUH media presence in Russia and abroad using such measuring tools as Medialogy and Google Analytics. Our task is to steadily increase the position of RSUH in the largest educational ranking tables.

We strive to contribute to the process of integration of RSUH into the international academic, educational and media-related arena. To this end, we draw the attention of the international academic community and the media to our research, discoveries, developments, and know-how, as well as to the major ongoing projects in the field of humanities.

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Contact information

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20 DEC 2021 — ASPU Hosts International Workshop

The event organized jointly by ASPU, the Russian State University for the Humanities , the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Yerevan, the Armenian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature is being held in a mixed format, including online meetings

8 Oct 2021 — WADA "concerned" and vows to seek further information after major RUSADA reshuffle

Olympic ice hockey champion Yakushev joins RUSADA Supervisory Board in major reshuffle Russian State University for the Humanities Professor Vitaly Vinogradov, Sergey Ilyukov – an independent anti-doping expert recommended by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) - and vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Chekhonin remain on the Supervisory Board..., London,

17 Aug 2021 — MIL-OSI Russia: The Cultural Center of Front-line Poets will open on the basis of library number 110

The concept and information content of its exposition was helped by the writer Yuri Polyakov, specialists from the  Russian State University for the Humanities and the Russian Historical Society...

14 Jun 2021 — Iran donates 23,000 books to Afghanistan Science Academy

...A number of Russian academic centers, including the National Library of Russia and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, received collections of books from Iran in 2009.The Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University, the Russian State University for the Humanities 

19 OCT 2020 – Inside Russia's anti-5G movement

Anthropologist Aleksandra Arkhipova and her colleagues at Russian State University for the Humanities have collected and analyzed more than two million anti-5G messages posted on social media since January...
Coda Story (

16 oct 2020 – Bhattacharya honored by Los Alamos National Lab

Finally, his quantitative studies of linguistics and human behavior have been invaluable for advancing SFI's long-running investigation into the origins, evolution, and diversity of human languages, which Bhattacharya co-leads with External Professor George Starostin (Russian State University for the Humanities)...
Santa Fe Institute (

14 AUG 2020 – Historical paradox: how the union of Kreva changed Eastern Europe, the confrontation between Lithuania and the Russian state intensified, the echoes of which we still observe," Vadim Trukhachev, a teacher at the Department of Foreign Regional Studies and Foreign Policy at the Historical Archives Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities, ...

21 JUL 2020 – Historians Reconfirm Authenticity Of Romanov Family's Remains Found Outside Yekaterinburg

...remains that were found in Porosenkov log at the time are really the remains of the Imperial family and their entourage," Pchelov, who is the head of the department of auxiliary and special historical disciplines of the Institute of History and Archives of the Russian State University for the Humanities...

8 Mar 2020 – Mil-osi russia: artificial intelligence and the möbius strip: what will tell the participants of the project «Saturdays moscow schoolboy»

To get an idea of modern literature Place: Russian state University for the Humanities Address: Chayanova street, building 15 Time: 14:00-15:30 Doctor of philological Sciences Yuri Domansky will give a lecture on contemporary Russian novel.

18 Feb 2020 – Yefim Pivovar: "our memorial events are forward-looking”

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists, Board Member of the Russian Rectors' Union Yefim Pivovar told Vestnik Kavkaza about the exhibition...

4 Feb 2020 – Moscow University becomes ground zero for political free speech Debate

The HSE is trying to walk a very difficult and contradictory line, says Nikolai Svanidze, a professor of journalism at the Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow and a well-known Russian historian and commentator...
The Christian Science Monitor

29 Jan 2020 – Professor Azcuy wins prestigious fulbright u.s. scholar award to Russia

Azcuy will lecture on American literature and culture at the Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow, Russia this spring... Further, this award speaks to the very highest quality of the professors and education here at Monmouth University." Thomas Pearson, Ph.D., Monmouth University…

16 Dec 2019 – Mixed policy: What might be behind the failure of warsaw to call russia enemy

...accordingly, the possibility of building not only political but also economic relations with Russia is increasing," said Konstantin Voronov. This opinion is shared by the candidate of historical Sciences, lecturer of the Department of regional studies and foreign policy history and archives Institute RSUH.

12 Dec 2019 – Scientific and educational integration in Eurasian space

The first joint manual on the history of Russia and Belarus for students, high school seniors and teachers is nearing completion," President of the Russian State University for the Humanities Yefim Pivovar said…

14 Оct 2019 – Сourse of lectures on history of Azerbaijan can be heard at «Foreigner»

Thus, the department of history of neighboring countries was opened at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University in 2004. The Institute of Post-Soviet and Interregional Studies was created at the RSUH on the basis of the post-Soviet foreign department, which has become one of the most …

30 Aug 2019 –Yefim Pivovar: "There are very few scientific periodicals focused on Eurasia’s issues"

Yefim Pivovar, the historian, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, president of the Russian State University for the Humanities, member of the board of the Russian Historical Society, told Vestnik Kavkaza about the scientific periodical focusing on the problems of the Eurasian space and Greater Eurasia…

30 Aug 2019 – Connecting the world through the Chinese language

The contestants' performances were scored by a panel of judges that included CCTV news anchor Hai Xia, Peking University professor Zhao Dongmei, and Confucius Institute director Yi Fucheng at the Russian State University for the Humanities…

30 Aug 2019 – Yefim Pivovar: "There are very few scientific periodicals focused on Eurasia’s issues"

Recently, the first issue of the RSUH Herald's periodical entitled "The Eurasian Studies... - First of all, we want to publish works of teachers, professors and candidates of sciences, associate professors of our institute, as well as representatives of other RSUH structures, masters and bachelors…

21 Aug 2019 – Yefim Pivovar: "We Shouldn’t forget World War II lessons"

The historian, the corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the president of the Russian State University for the Humanities, member of the Council of the Russian Historical Society Yefim Pivovar told Vestnik Kavkaza about the main lessons of the global conflict...

14 Aug 2019 – "Cessation of lawlessness is a difficult and long process"

Born in 1973 into a family of scientists. He graduated with honors from the Russian state University for the Humanities, defended her PhD thesis in 2015 graduated from a magistracy majoring in "Management of education"...

13 Aug 2019 – Yefim Pivovar: "Caspian convention is unprecedented document"

The historian, the corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the president of the Russian State University for the Humanities, member of the Council of the Russian Historical Society Yefim Pivovar told Vestnik Kavkaza about the significance of the convention, which reserves the …

10 Aug 2019 – Moscow antigovernment protest draws tens of thousands

Some protesters detained by police in recent weeks have seen court bailiffs checking out their debts, and the Russian State University for the Humanities has warned students that participating in the rallies could lead to expulsion...
The Wall Street Journal

24 Jul 2019 – Yefim Pivovar: "It's extremely important to pass down memories of war to next generations"

The historian, the corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the president of the Russian State University for the Humanities, member of the Council of the Russian Historical Society Yefim Pivovar told Vestnik Kavkaza about the forum and humanitarian contacts between Moscow and Minsk...

19 Jun 2019 – Yefim Pivovar: “Effective development of relations with post-Soviet countries requires qualified personnel”

Graduation ceremony at the Russian State University for the Humanities will take place on July 9th... Historian, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, president of the Russian State University for the Humanities, member of the Council of the Russian Historical Society, ...

27 Apr 2019 – Queen Mary commemorates Holocaust victims

A letter by Anne Frank's father, Otto, about being "saved by the Russians" is one of the various unique artefacts included in the collection. The exhibition was initiated by Ilya Altman, co-chairman of the Russian Research and Educational Holocaust Centre and Professor of History at the Russian State University for the Humanities...

4 Apr 2019 – Russia reacts to the release of the Mueller Report

Professor Viktoria Zhuravleva of the Russian State University for the Humanities, or RGGU, a historian of American-Russian relations, believes that the alternative lies in professional cooperation between experts, in citizen diplomacy and in the restoration of exchange programs for students, young specialists, and activists of civil organizations...

28 Mar 2019 – Yefim Pivovar: "Everything interconnected, but relations with neighbors especially important"

Vestnik Kavkaza continues a series of interviews with the president of the Russian State University for the Humanities, member of the Council of the Russian Historical Society Yefim Pivovar. The topic of the last interview was the RHS projects, and this interview is about the preparation of a post-Soviet countries history teaching guide…

14 Mar 2019 – Yefim Pivovar: "Russian Historical Society's priority projects based on post-Soviet near abroad studies"

President of the Russian State University for the Humanities, member of the Council of the Russian Historical Society (RHS) Yefim Pivovar told Vestnik Kavkaza about the RHS projects... We work in areas into which historians are somehow "drawn": these are universities, including the Russian State University for the Humanities, archives, museums, libraries, and schools...

5 Mar 2019 – Expert: Zamítnutím vstupu ruskému občanovi chce Česko ukázat svou loajalitu EU a NATO

Diplomatickou kauzu pro Sputnik okomentoval Vadim Truchačev, kandidát historických věd a hlavní vyučující Katedry zahraničních regionálních studií a zahraniční politiky Ruské státní univerzity pro humanitní vědy (RSUH)...

12 Feb 2019 – Facebook and Google's Russian rivals: Why are they winning

These things couldn't be found on Facebook," Maxim Kornev, professor at the Faculty of Television, Radio and Internet Technologies at the Russian State University for the Humanities, told Russia Beyond...

3 Dec 2018 – Davis joins Mississippi State Personnel Board as general counsel

He earned a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Dickinson College and a graduated cum laude from the Mississippi College School of Law. Davis also studied at Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow...

23 Nov 2018 – Day of Turkey at Russian State University for the Humanities

Yesterday, the Day of Turkey was celebrated at the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU). The verses of great Nazim Hikmet, the Ottoman empire melodies and songs of popular singers were sounded in the walls of the University...

11 Nov 2018 – Russia in World War I: Was victory 'stolen by a stab in the back 1916 Sputnik "There's a viewpoint in historiography that the Brusilov Offensive led to Russia's exhaustion because the number of casualties and the amount of resources expended was high," argues Alexander Shubin, a professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities …

11 Nov 2018 – Russia in World War I: Was victory 'stolen by a stab in the back 1916 Sputnik "There's a viewpoint in historiography that the Brusilov Offensive led to Russia's exhaustion because the number of casualties and the amount of resources expended was high," argues Alexander Shubin, a professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities …

30 Oct 2018 – Moscow hosts "500 years of Russian-Turkish relations in archival documents" exhibition

Moscow's Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) hosted the solemn opening of the exhibition of documents of 16th-20th centuries from Turkey's State Archives titled "500 years of Russian-Turkish relations in archival documents." The event was timed to the 200th anniversary of Russian Academy of Sciences" Institute of Oriental Studies...

19 Oct 2018 – Irwin Weil, Ph.D., Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who

Petersburg, Russia, in 1999 and the Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow in 2007. In addition to his career, Dr... Weil was a visiting professor at the Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia and set up a series of international symposia with the Academy of Sciences of the ...

11 Oct 2018 – Three more Russian universities branches to open in country

(MENAFN - AzerNews) By Abdul Kerimkhanov Branches of three more Russian universities will open in Azerbaijan, Russian ambassador to Azerbaijan, Mikhail Bocharnikov, told journalists on October 11. "These will be branches of MGIMO, the Higher School of Economics and the Russian State University for the Humanities and Economics, the ambassador said...

6 Sept 2018 – Europe's volatile flank finds itself focus of global attention

"It's unclear to me why the international community is so insistent on resolving the Kosovo issue as soon as possible, because it is obvious to any regional expert that the domino principle will start working," said Nikita Bondarev, a Balkan expert at the Russian State University for the Humanities...
Stars and Stripes

27 Jul 2018 – State Department's Crimean Declaration is image document

Political scientist, deputy head of the chair of the post-Soviet countries of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Alexander Gushin suggested to consider U.S. State Department's Crimean Declaration as a two-tiered system...

19 Jul 2018 –Wydarzenia Polska To będzie przygoda ich życia! Polacy wyruszą szukać skarbów

To będzie przygoda ich życia! Polacy wyruszą szukać skarbów

Na pomysł wpadli doktoranci z Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie, Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego oraz Russian State University For The Humanities w Moskwie...

11 Jul 2018 – A look at what's ahead in the World Cup

Russian police officers ask England soccer fans to remove their banners from a historical building of the Russian State University for the Humanities in Nikolskaya street near the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, July 10, 2018. The Lightning Seeds "Three Lions," ...

29 Apr 2018 – Međunarodna konferencija "Pravoslavlje i fundamentalizam" u Domu omladine

...fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija Predrag Dragutinović, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija Frances Kostarelos, University of Illinois, SAD Anastasia Mitrofanova, Russian Orthodox University, Professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities …

23 Mar 2018 – "North Caucasus has an excellent knowledge of Russian"

Chief research associate, director of the Educational and Scientific Center for the Study of Ethnopolitical and Ethno-Cultural Processes of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Magomed Omarov, illustrated the relevance of Russian language on the example of Dagestan...

23 Mar 2018 – Threats to young people in information society

The forum of young leaders of Eurasia was held at the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) in Moscow: about one hundred delegates from the former Soviet republics, young representatives of scientific and expert communities, public and non-governmental organizations, the media, as well as eminent experts took part in the forum titled "Youth against extremism and radicalism"...

3 Mar 2018 – Youth against extremism and radicalism

Yesterday, Baku hosted the Russian-Azerbaijani "Youth Against Extremism and Radicalism" round table, organized by the North-South political center, the "Sodruzhestvo" press club and the Azerbaijan University of Languages with support of with the Russian State University for the Humanities...