About us

About our University

About our University

Russian State University for the Humanities (Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education "Russian state university for the humanities", RSUH) founded in 1991 on the basis of the Moscow State Institute for History and Archives (1930) is one of the major actors in the Higher Education Reform in the Humanities in Russia.

RSUH ranks among the TOP 200 Higher Education Institutions according to QS University Ranking: BRICS 2014.

International cooperation is an important part of internationalization strategy at RSUH. It is aimed at strengthening the university competitive ability in Russia and abroad and its integration into the global education and research space. The internationalization strategy also aims to enhance the quality of education and research and increase in Russian education export at international education market.

The key principles underlying the international activities coordination are interdisciplinarity, multipolarity and intersectorality.

RSUH has a strong international profile and cooperates with more than 200 universities worldwide, it is a member of IAU (International Association of Universities), EUA (European University Association) , GUNI (Global University Network for Innovation) , EUNIS (European University Information Systems organization), etc. The university has a good record of successful projects within the framework of EU programmes (TEMPUS, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus Plus, Seventh Framework Programme, Horizon 2020), UN (UNICEF, UNESCO), Council of Europe programmes, etc. It cooperates with DAAD, British Council, American Councils, Library of Congress, Institute of Italian culture, Cervantes Institute, Alliance Frances. RSUH has expertise in organizing inbound and outbound academic mobility between EU and Russia within EU projects.

169 programmes at BA (43), MA (92) and at Ph.D. (34) levels are offered at the University. 14 818 students study at RSUH; 1 231 academic staff are employed here.

A multilevel academic mobility program with international partner universities functions at RSUH. Each year more than 200 students, post-graduates, postdoctoral students and teachers from RSUH study and take internships abroad. More than 350 international students, post-graduates, postdoctoral students and teachers spend an exchange semester at RSUH.

RSUH offers 18 Double Degree Masters programs and 3 Double/Joint PhD programs with a number of the most reputed universities in the world.

The University is proud of its 18 International research-and-study centers. In 2013 Confucius center was recognised as the best Confucius center in the world. The University also takes pride in the International Institute of the New Education Technologies which introduces a new model of the educational institution creatively applying the latest digital technologies in the field of liberal arts.

The International Center for the Russian as a foreign Language is considered one of the best centers in Russia.

Every year the University holds Summer and Winter language schools which serve over 100 students from all over the world.

The students who have successfully completed their education at RSUH are issued a Diploma Supplement following the model of developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO.

The mission of RSUH as a leading Russian academic and educational center in the field of liberal arts, social and information sciences is to carry out fundamental and applied research on the international level in the field of humanities.

We train highly qualified individuals, providing broad cultural competences necessary for constructive professional activities for the benefit of society. Our graduates can satisfy the demands of employers at the national and international levels, participate in carrying out the tasks related to socio-economic development, and conduct research.

At RSUH, the share of practice-oriented educational programs, aimed at training specialists for the economic sectors with a shortage of specialists, is increasing every year.

Our graduates’ competencies include the field of social and humanitarian assessment, forecasting and project promotion. Our goal is to ensure the involvement of at least 30% of B.A. students, 70% of M.A. students and 100% of Ph.D. students in research and development projects implemented by RSUH departments and centers.

Our active participation in the processes of internationalization and humanization of Russian education is reflected in the general development of higher education in Russia and in the world. By modernizing the educational process through the introduction of new teaching technologies and the development of progressive technical capabilities, we optimize both the educational programs and the system of management of research projects and innovative infrastructure.

The system of online support provides transparency in academic assessment and grading.

Acting as an institution of academic and applied humanities, we participate in the adoption of socially significant decisions and support federal-level initiatives and modernization projects leading to the increased competitiveness of our graduates.

We are planning to create a resource center for the development of models for the formation and assessment of general cultural competencies, methodological counseling and implementation of this model in other universities in Russia.

We work closely with other universities, in particular by creating an effective network of centers representing RSUH in partner universities both in Russia and abroad, with the aim of implementing joint educational programs and research projects.

The leading role in the development of the University can be described as development and implementation of academic and educational programs.

Embracing student initiatives aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and fostering a culture of tolerance, we hold and host numerous social events. We also interact with the largest non-profit organizations working with projects related to corporate social responsibility, public-private partnership, charity, etc.