
Continuing education

Continuing education

The Institute of Continuing Education of RSUH provides additional educational programs for children and adults, combining in its activities the pre-university and the post-university levels of education and implementing the strategy of lifelong learning.

Additional education for adults includes several types of educational programs:

Occupational retraining is the most fundamental type of continuing professional education with practical orientation. In the constantly changing conditions of the labor market, occupational retraining is becoming more and more attractive. It compares favorably with the second higher education as it allows one to get a new specialization and additional qualifications in a shorter time frame (1 semester - 1.5 years), offers a better classroom hour load (2-3 times a week). All this is carried out via the targeted selection of disciplines for the program that include only the specialized core courses in the educational process.

The range of programs is extremely wide, and includes the following clusters:

  •  Art history ("General history of arts", "Authentication of antiques and works of art", "Antique and gallery business", etc.),
  • Psychology ("Psychology of personality", "Psychology and pedagogy in education", "Clinical psychology", "Psychological technologies of organizational management", etc.),
  • Teaching methods (“Russian as a foreign language”, “Modern pedagogical technologies of teaching a foreign language in the context of the implementation of FSES”, “Historical knowledge today: issues of methodology and practice of teaching history in secondary and higher schools”, etc.),
  • Translation and interpreting (“Translator/interpreter in the field of professional communication”),
  • Law ("Corporate law"),
  • International relations ("Specialist in the field of international relations"),
  • Journalism ("Multimedia journalism", "Editing media texts", " TV presenter and correspondent"),
  • Culturology ("Theory and history of culture. Modern cultural practices"),
  • Religious studies (“Religions of the world: history, teachings, practices”, “History of religion”, “Theory of religion”);
  • Document management (“Document management in the digital economy”)
  • and many others.

The retraining could also be realized at the M.A. level, giving the students the opportunity of obtaining this degree in 3-3.5 years and becoming a certified specialist in a new field.

The Institute of Continuing Education provides advanced training in all key areas: translation and interpreting, journalism, art history, psychology, religious studies, teaching methods, etc.

Training is conducted in groups and individually (in the form of internships), in the intramural, extramural and distance learning formats.

Hundreds of specialists from Russia and abroad upgrade their skills at the Institute every year.

The Institute offers preparatory programs for applicants seeking to enter a master's program: since 2020, continuing education programs have been opened that allow prospective students to form an idea of ​​modern approaches to studying the field to which a particular master's program is dedicated.

Additional educational programs for adults, implemented by the Institute of Continuing Education, are oriented not only for the “outside” occupations, but also for the “inside” of RUSH. Further training is carried out regularly for the faculty of RSUH with topics on the academic profile of their activities, information and communication technologies, etc.

The activity of the Institute of Continuing Education allows faculty members, undergraduates and graduate students to form new and improve existing competencies, expand their horizons, meet modern requirements for the their level of training.

Institute of Continuing Education of RSUH

8 (495) 250-61-57, 8 (495) 250-71-87, 8 (495) 250-61-38