On October 3, the International Russian-Brazilian Center, together with the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation RSUH and the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), organized an online/offline lecture by Professor Diana Soares, University of Sao Paolo, USP, Brazil
Diana Soares graduated with bachelor's and master's degrees from the USP and is currently writing a doctoral dissertation on the work and translation of Vasily Shukshin and Zoshchenko.
The lecture, presented online, aroused great interest among RSUH students studying the theory and practice of translation. Diana spoke about the translator's "kitchen": how she worked on the writer's special style, which methods she used to translate particularly difficult folklore words, and presented various examples. Her knowledge of several foreign languages (English, German, Spanish, Russian) helped her in her work.
The students listened with great attention and asked many questions. Some of them are considering the prospect of becoming a translator.
The lecture also inspired the listeners to create a joint project with the University of Sao Paulo.