


RSUH is the first university in the country to take patronage over the Sparta battalion

On September 24, as part of the "Universities for the Front" campaign, RSUH donated 6 DJI Mavic 3 Pro quadcopters to the Sparta reconnaissance battalion. To date, RSUH employees have raised 1,300,000 rubles to help the front, 1,110,000 of which were spent on purchasing drones.

According to the former commander of the Sparta battalion, despite the fact that the supplies are good and the soldiers have everything they need, the reconnaissance units often lack unmanned aerial vehicles.

The front also need human communication, understanding and support. Only knowing that there is a strong rear behind him will a combatant feel confident in carrying out missions and ensuring peaceful life.

Cooperation between RSUH and Sparta will be systematic, as the University will continue collecting funds monthly for the needs of the front and the fighters of the reconnaissance battalion, and will also provide social, cultural, legal and psychological assistance to the fighters and their relatives through the specialized faculties. This was agreed upon between Acting Rector Andrei Loginov and the ex-commander of the Sparta battalion.

"We are ready for any of your requests and messages, we are prepared to take on ourselves the process of comprehensive assistance to your fighters. We are willing and happy to provide practical assistance at the Vygotsky Institute of Psychology. Everything that is required for wounded soldiers, including career guidance, is available, because our University is renowned for these matters, covering all areas of social sciences and educational tracks,” said Acting Rector Loginov.

“This is the true contact between the rear, civilians and our boys on the front line. RSUH, represented by its teachers and students, is what we are now on the front for,” said ex-Commander Artyom Zhoga.

In response to the assistance provided by RSUH, the Sparta battalion will continue to transfer Ukrainian propaganda materials to the University, the documents rife with distortion of historical facts, for detailed study, in order to have an idea of ​​the enemy’s consciousness.

The Sparta battalion combatants are confident that everything will end with the victory of our traditional values, that the main thing now is to have patience and fortitude, because it will take time.

At the end of the meeting, the Sparta commander shared that the support of the entire country, the support of soldiers and residents of the frontline regions was felt on the front and by the residents of the Kursk region. Artyom Zhoga reminded that strength is in truth and unity and that the whole of Russia was there to help. 


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