February 12, 2019
Celebration of the World Hindi Day
D.P. Dhar Hall, Embassy of India to Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
RSUH Hindi group students took part in a celebration of the World Hindi Day in Moscow which was organized by the Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre (JNCC), Embassy of India to RF.
His Excellency Mr D. B. Venkatesh Varma, Ambassador of India to Russia delivered a welcoming speech and read out a message from Mr Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India to the whole world-wide society. Hindi language is spoken in more than 90 countries and by more than half a milliard of world’s population. India for a long time now has been campaigning for making Hindi an official seventh language of the UN. Mr Ambassador congratulated all students and pupils and wished them diligence in studying Hindi.
Hindi group students Alena Plotnikova, Darya Gerenkova, Rostislav Pavliukov, Anastasia Kretova, Ekaterina Oleynikova, Anastasia Vorontsova, Anna Belova and Anna Kuznetsova recited a poem in Hindi about a famous Indian politician – Mahatma Gandhi. Students of RSUH, IAAC MSU, NRU HSE, MSIIR, Moscow school 2153 and the school of the Embassy of India took part in the celebration.
Mr Ajay Kumar, Hindi teacher at the JNCC arranged a special Hindi quiz for the students to take part in and show their knowledge of the language.
Musical part of the program was presented by Mr Ashish Mishra, the tabla teacher at JNCC.
At the end Ms Mahima Sikand, Director of the JNCC expressed gratitude to all the students for their remarkable performances in Hindi.
We are very grateful to the JNCC, its director, Ms Mahima Sikand and organizers – Natalia Pustovalova, Julia Frantsuzova, Mr Ajay Kumar for an organization of such a wonderful event!
photos is on this web site - https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1094881070691314&id=100005082945245