
International Online Poetry Festival «International Mother Language Day (UNESCO)» 2025

March 1, 2025

Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH)

International Online Poetry Festival «International Mother Language Day (UNESCO)» was jointly organized with various Russian and Indian universities. This year the event was dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day and the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War. The festival was aimed to promote, respect and protect all languages, raise awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions. More than 60 students from the various universities recited the poems in Russian, Hindi, English, Dutch.

The welcoming speeches were delivered by:

Mr. Viktor Gorelykh, Director of the Russian House in Mumbai (India)

Ms. Ekaterina Dynyak, teacher of Russian as a foreign language the Russian House in New Delhi (India)

Prof. Anna Nemyka, Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, Kuban State University (Krasnodar city, Russian Federation)

Prof. Alexander Stolyarov, Department of Regional Studies and Foreign Policy, the Institute of International Relations and Political Science (Moscow, Russia)


Russian Centre for Science and Culture (Mumbai, India)


Teacher: Ms. Vidya Swarge-Madane, Head of the Russian Language Department


1. Narayani Vaze. Recitation poem in Russian

2. Sudhamshu Hattangadi. Recitation poem in Russian




"Kuban State University" (Krasnodar city, Russia)

Teacher: Galina Kholodnyak, lecturer of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language:



1. Bezeme Anuma Jose Marie (Cote d'Ivoire). Recitation poem by M. Vadimov in Russian

2. Diarra Toumani (Mali). Recitation poem by K. Simonov in Russian

3. Dovletgeldieva Aidzhakhan (Turkmenistan). Recitation poem by Alexander Prokofiev in Russian

4. Rovshenova Makhri (Turkmenistan). Recitation poem by V. Vygotsky in Russian

5. Gasha Mervey Steve (Burundi). Recitation poem by V. Berestov in Russian

6. Berdiniazov Chary (Turkmenistan). Recitation poem by V. Goncharov in Russian

7. Miao Lei (China). Recitation poem by Y. Voronov in Russian.


Savitribai Phule Pune University (Pune, Maharashtra, India)


Teacher: Dr. Anagha Bhat-Behere, Department of Foreign Languages.


1. Ammi Maru Poem by Anna Akhmatova "Muzestvo" in Russian.

2. Shailendra Musale. Poem by Anna Akhmatova "Courage" in Marathi translation.



B. R. Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India


Teachers: Dr. Divyam Prakash, Department of Russian Studies



  1. Shreya Rani. Certificate in Russian. Recitation poem in Russian.
  2. Dhiraj Kumar. Certificate in Russian. Recitation poem in Hindi.
  3. Hani Kumar. Certificate in Russian. Recitation poem in Russian.
  4. Kumari Binshu. Diploma in Russian. Recitation poem by Alexander Tvardovsky in Russian.
  5. Mantasha Noor. Diploma in Russian. Recitation poem by Anna Akhmatova
  6. Juhi Kumari. Diploma in Russian. Recitation poem by Alexander Tvardovsky
  7. Saquib Safeel. Diploma in Russian. Recitation poem by Rasul Gamzatov in Russian.
  8. Pratibha Thapa. Diploma in Russian. Recitation poem by Rasul Gamzatov in Russian.
  9. Shreya Sharma. Diploma in Russian. Recitation poem in Russian.
  10. Bhanu Kumar Singh. Post graduate diploma in Russian. Recitation poem by Atal Bihari Vajpayee in Hindi.
  11. Surbhi Sharma. Post graduate diploma in Russian. Recitation poem in Russian.
  12. Sonali Priya. Post graduate diploma in Russian. Recitation poem in Hindi written by herself
  13. Shubhra Shruti. Post graduate diploma in Russian. Recitation poem in Maithili.
  14. Satyam Swaraj Raman. Post graduate diploma in Russian. Recitation poem by Kaisin Kulieva in Russian.
  15. Divyanshu Kumar. Post graduate diploma in Russian. Recitation poem by Alexander Tvardovskiy in Russian.
  16. Kamal Nayan. Post graduate diploma in Russian. Recitation poem by Rasul Gamzatov in Russian.
  17. Ashwani Kumar Singh. Post graduate diploma in Russian. Recitation poem by Rasul Gamzatov in Russian.
  18. Shabnam Kumari. Post graduate diploma in Russian. Recitation poem in Hindi.


Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith (Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India)


Teacher: Dr. Neerja Dhankar, Associate Professor of Russian,


1. Priyanshi Yadav B.A 2nd year student. Recitation poem in Russian

2. Sundari. Diploma in Russian. Recitation poem in Russian.

3. Bikash kumar Mandal, Diploma in Russian. Recitation poem in Russian.

4. Priyanshi Yadav, B.A. 2nd year student. Recitation poem देश के वीर सिपाही' in Hindi.

5. Sundari. Diploma in Russian. Recitation poem 'सैनिक' in Hindi.

6. Bikash Kumar Mandal. Diploma in Russian 'जलियाँ वाले बाग में वसंत'

7. Priyanshi Mishra. Certificate course. Recitation poem 'Sand, blood, and tears' in English.


Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi, India)


Teacher: Dr. Preeti D. Das, Head, Department of Russian, Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies School of International Studies.


1. Nandini Ghosh

2. Vaibhavi

3. Anchal



Institute of Linguistics, RSUH

Teachers: Maria Pushkova, Director of the Center for the Study of the Benelux Countries;

First-year students:

  1. Katerina De Rijk. Poem in Dutch.
  2. Alina Smolkina. Poem in Dutch.
  3. Ksenia Lukyanenko. Poem in Dutch.
  4. Ekaterina Fedorova. Poem in Dutch.
  5. Shakh Elena, 2nd year student. Poem in Hindi.
  6. Zvyagintseva Alina, 2nd year student. Poem in Hindi.
  7. Ermalyuk Margarita, 2nd year student. Poem in Hindi.
  8. Shitikova Anastasia, 2nd year student. Poem in Hindi.
  9. Shcherbakova Varvara, 2nd year student. Poem in Hindi.
  10. Dumnova Ksenia, 2nd year student. Poem in Hindi.
  11. Burda Anastasia, 2nd year student. Poem in Hindi.


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