Girijananda Chowdhury University, Assam, India
School of Humanities and Social Sciences Girijananda Chowdhury University in collaboration with
International Centre for South Asian Studies, Russian State University for Humanities, Centre for Indian Studies,
Institute for Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS),
Section for New Challenges in South and Southeast Asia, Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the RAS, Moscow, Russia
has organized the International conference Political, Economic and Cultural Pivots in the Past, Present and Future of South and South-East Asia. The conference is dedicated to commemorate 75 years of diplomatic relations between India and Russia.
Welcoming address was delivered by:
Dr. Vera Zabotkina, Hon’ble Pro Vice Chancellor, Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow
Prof. Arupjyoti Choudhury, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of Madhabdev University
Dr. Siddharth Shankar, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of Indira Gandhi Technological and Medical University
Dr. Soulikha Allayarovava, Pro-Rector, Dinov Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy
Prof. Muthana Hameed Khalaf, HoD, English, Kut University, Iraq
Keynote Speech by Padma Shri Prof. Tatiana Shaumyan, Head, Centre for Indian Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, Russia on ‘India and Russia in Multi-Polar World’
Plenary Session
Prof. Alexander Stolyarov, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS & International Centre of South Asian Studies, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia. Topic : 'Pivotal Points in the History of Russia and India : Some Thoughts’
Prof. V. Krishna Ananth, Dean, School of Social Sciences & Prof. of History, Sikkim University, Gangtok, India. Topic : 'Modernity, Industrialisation and Democracy: Some Reflections on the South Asian Experience’
Prof. Nivedita Das Kundu, Foreign Policy Analyst & Professor of International Relations,State World Languages University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Topic : 'Regionalism in Central Asia Amidst Complex Geopolitics'