
Ms. Madhurkankana Roy, Director of the Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre of the Embassy of India in Russia visited the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Ms. M. Roy met with prof. Andrey Loginov, acting rector of RSUH , prof. Vera Zabotkina, acting vice-rector for International Cooperation, Ms. Olga Trofimova, director of the Department of International Cooperation, Dr. Indira Gazieva, Hindi teacher and 2nd year Hindi group students of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of the Institute of Linguistics.

The meeting discussed issues of strengthening cooperation between the Russian State University for the Humanities and the Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre Embassy of India to Russia.

RSUH acting rector noted – “India is a multitudinous Universe and no matter what collisions occurred in the history of India, it always remained a single country and preserved its identity”.

He also told the JNCC Director about the university structure, emphasizing that “the difference between RSUH and other Russian universities is in 1) its interdisciplinary educational programs based on the principles of integrating education in various subject areas and areas of training; 2) the presence of convergent education or the relationship between the exact and social sciences and humanities; as well as 3) multipolarity, or the willingness to cooperate with universities around the world”.

In turn, Ms Madhurkankana Roy emphasized that RSUH has always been a priority as a permanent partner of JNCC and the Embassy of India in Russia. RSUH students not only regularly participate in the events of the Cultural Center, but also organize festivals dedicated to Indian culture at RSUH.

She thanked RSUH for providing for the BRICS summit in Kazan in November 2024 an exhibition of "Art-Design" students' creative works dedicated to the 155th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. She also said that Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi visited the exhibition of posters by RSUH students, noting the work dedicated to two great thinkers of the 20th century – Leo Tolstoy and M. Gandhi.

During the meeting, the MOU between the RSUH and ICCR was discussed. Both parties came to the conclusion that for promotion

of the student and faculty exchange programs between RSUH and Indian universities it needs to expand the study of Indian languages, in particular, inviting a native speaker of Hindi to RSUH, and prominent experts in international relations, economics and anthropology from India.

JNCC Director visited the International Centre for South Asian Studies and presented a collection of books on Indian literature and linguistics. Hindi group students tell her in Hindi about their achievements in studying the Hindi and Indian culture.


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