
A three-day seminar on Russian language, literature and culture was held at Bihar Bhimrao Ambedkar University from 29 to 31 January 2025

The event was organized by the Department of Russian Studies at the Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University and the International Scientific Centre for South Asian Studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH, Moscow), whose teachers Prof. Alexander Stolyarov and Hindi teacher Dr. Indira Gazieva personally met with students and teachers.

Russian colleagues were pleasantly surprised that the students  recite enthusiastically poems by Russian famous poets Alexander  Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Anna Akhmatova, Eduard Asadov in Russian, Hindi and Maithili languages

More than 50 Indian students at this university are familiar with the literary works of Russian classics and representatives of modern literature firsthand.

They receive all this knowledge from their young teachers Dr. Divyam Prakash and Ms. Sushma Kumari, who entice them into the world of Russian language, history and culture.

Despite the fact that the Department of Russian Studies ' library    has not been updated with Russian literature books  and Russian language textbooks for a long time,  you can find on the bookshelves well-read volumes of Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace", Maxim Gorky ' stories, two-volume editions of Mikhail Sholokhov's "Quiet Flows the Don" and Nikolay Gogol, and even the poetry of Peter Vyazemsky.

  The first day of the meeting was devoted to the acquaintance of the departments of the two universities. Prof. Alexander Stolyarov, as the director of the International Scientific Center for South Asian Studies of the RSUH, spoke about the activities of the center, its development and the promotion of the history and culture of India in Russia.

Russian language teachers Dr. Divyam Prakash and Ms. Sushma Kumari showed their department’s stands dedicated to the creative works of students.

The next hour was devoted to Russian and Indian poetry:

Ms. Shreya Rani, a second-year student, performed the song "Moscow Nights";

Ms. Shubha Shruti performed a song in her native language - Maithili.

The students Shreya Rani and Sonali Priya recited Alexander Pushkin poem in Russian "I loved you", and Honey Kumar recited the poem - "I remember a wonderful moment".

Anna Akhmatova's poem "And you thought I was like that too..." was liked by several students and they read it with great pleasure (Mantasha Nur, Juhi Kumari, Kumari Binshu).

Ms. Pratibha Thapa, the 1st-year student likes the poetry of famous Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov and her favorite poem is "The lonely sail turns white". Mr. Sahab Sahil likes the poetry of Eduard Asadov. He recited the poem "I can wait for you very much...".


The event was attended by Hindi Department students. Dr. Ujjawal Alok teaches Hindi poetry. So his  students Anamika Kumari, Shabnam Kumari and Mohit Mishra recited their favourite poems in Hindi.

Dr. Ujawal Alok is engaged in translations of modern Russian poetry into Hindi. He and Dr. Indira Gazieva, Hindi teacher of the Russian State University for the Humanities , they both recited his translation of Olga Kats' poem about made joint photos.

The second day of the workshop began with a discussion of the  MOU between RSUH and Bihar University.

The workshop ' third day  was devoted to Russian literature. Indian students recited the stories of Anton Chekhov, famous Russian writer.   On January 29, 2025 Russia  celebrated his 165th anniversary.

Student Honey Kumar told RUSH teachers about his love for Anton Chekhov and read a small part of his story in Hindi.

The three days of workshops flew by unnoticed. Russian, English, Hindi were working languahes during these days.

Studying Russian language and culture brings Indian students closer to their cherished dream - to see Russia with their own eyes, visit different cities and get to know its culture more deeply.

The workshop was held in a friendly atmosphere and mutual understanding.

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