

Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH)

Moscow, Russia, ZOOM


International poetry online festival “Recitation of Pushkin’s poems in different languages” was a joint project of several universities for over the world.

RSUH, India and CIS countries took part in this event dedicated to 225 Alexander Pushkin’s birthday celebration, Great Russian poet.

88 students recited poems in in Russian, English, Hindi, Armenian, Chinese, Tajik, Turkmen, Kyrgyz, Polish, Spanish, French and Arabic.

Opening remarks were delivered by:

Ms. Yulia Arteeva, Counsellor For Culture and Cooperation, Embassy of Russian Federation in India

Dr. Elena Remizova, director of the Russian House in Mumbai (India)

Prof. Kandarpa Das, Vice Chancellor, Girijananda Chaudhuri University (Gauhati, Assam, India)

Prof. Richa Sawant, HOD Department of the Center for Russian Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture of the JNU (India)

Prof. Sanjay Deshpande, Head of Department of Russian, University of Mumbai, India Dr. Anagha Bhat-Behere, teacher of Russian language, literature and culture Department of Foreign languages, Savitribai Phule University (Pune, Maharashtra, India)Mrs. Vidya Swarge-Madane, Head of the Russian Language Department, Russian Center for Science and Culture (Mumbai, India)

Dr. Khadicha Shambetalieva, teacher of Russian and English languages, Innovation College, American University in Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan)

Dr. Javed Kholov, Director, Penjikent Pedagogical College, (Penjikent, Tajikistan)

Prof. Sergey Serebryany, Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Russian State University for the Humanities


Russian participants were presented by the students from the Russian State University for the Humanities, the Ogarev Mordovia State University, Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Tatarstan, Russian Federation), Belgorod State Technological University (Belgorod, Russian Federation)


We express our deep gratitude to university teachers for preparing their students for this festival:

Ms. Vidya Swarga-Madane, Head of the Russian Language Department, Russian House in Mumbai (Mumbai, India);

Mr. Milind Medha, teacher of Russian language, University of Mumbai, (Mumbai, India);

Dr. Anagha Bhat-Behere, teacher of Russian Language and Literature, Savitribai Phule Pune University (Puna, Maharashtra, India);

Prof. Kandarpa Das, Vice Chancellor, Girijananda Chaudhuri University (Gauhati, Assam, India)

Dr. Meenu Bhatnagar, teacher of Russian Language, Center for Russian Studies, School of Language, Literary, Cultural Studies, Associate Professor.

Dr. Nasiba Boboeva , HOD of Russian Language, Faculty of Humanities, Senior Lecturer at Penjikent Pedagogical College (Penjikent, Tajikistan)

Dr. Zarina Rakhmatullaeva, Associate Professor of the Department of Indian Philology, Faculty of Asian and European Languages, Tajik National University, (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)

Dr. Guzel Mrathuzina , Director of the Center for Indian Studies at the Institute of International Relations, Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Tatarstan, Russian Federation)

Mr. Dmitry Bobkov, Hindi-Engish teacher, Kazan Federal University: Center for Indian Studies, Institute of International Relations (Kazan, Tatarstan, Russian Federation)

Dr. Ainura Kanybekova , Associate professor, candidate. Philol. Sciences, Institute of State Language and Culture of the Kyrgyz State University. I. Arabaeva (Kyrgyzstan)

Ms. Ksenia Pozdnyakova, Deputy Dean for Cultural and Educational Work, Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens, Belgorod State Technological University. V.G. Shukhova (Belgorod, Russian Federation)

Mr. Artyom Lyulev, Director of the Student Adaptation Center, Ogarev Mordovian State University (Mordiviya, Russia)

Dr. Larisa Khoreva , Associate Professor of the Department of Romance Philology, Faculty of Philology, Russian State University for the Humanities

Dr. Anna Shatravka, Associate Professor of the Department of Oriental Languages, Ph.D. Philol. Sci. Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Foreign Regional Studies, Institute of History and Archives of the RSUH

Prof. Alexander Stolyarov, Department of Foreign Regional Studies and Foreign Policy of the FMO and ZR IAS RSUH, Director of the International Center for South Asian studies

Indira Gazieva, Hindi teacher


International online literary festival “Pushkin’s Poems in the World Languages”

May 27, 2024 (Monday)

Time: 12:00 pm – 03.00 pm (Moscow, Russia)

2:00 pm (Tajikistan)

2:30 pm (India)

3:00 pm (Kyrgyzstan)

Connect to the Zoom conference

Conference ID: 870 1966 5202

Access code: 440204

12:00 Opening ceremony

12:05-12:25 Welcome speeches

Prof. Vera Zabotkina, Acting Vice-Rector for international cooperation, Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia)

Mrs. Yulia Aryaeva, Counselor, Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of India;

Dr. Elena Remizova, Director of the Russian House in Mumbai (India)

Prof. Kandarpa Das, Vice-Chancellor of the Girijananda Chowdhury University (Assam, India)

Prof. Richa Sawant, HOD, Department of the Center for Russian Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture, JNU

Mr. Javed Shodievich Kholov, Director of Penjikent Pedagogical College, Penjikent city, Tajikistan

Prof. Sergey Serebryany, Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies

12:25-14:50 Reciting poems

Russian House in Mumbai (Mumbai, India)

Teacher: Vidya Swarge-Madane, Head of the Russian Language Department


Ruchit Shukla. Recitation Pushkin poem in Russian.

Swayam Ubale. Recitation Pushkin poem in Russian.

University of Mumbai (Mumbai, India)

Teacher: Dr. Milind Anna Medhe


Kavi Kumar. Recitation Pushkin poem in Russian language.

Atharva Shelke. Recitation Pushkin poem in Russian language.

American University of Central Asia (AUCA), Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Teacher: Kasymova Zharkyn Almasbekovna, senior lecturer


Ahmad Siyar (Afganistan). Recitation Pushkin poem “To Chaadaev” in Russian language.

Aizhan Sultanbek kyzy. Recitation Pushkin poem “I remember a wonderful moment” in Russian language.

Savitribai Phule Pune University (Pune, Maharashtra, India)

Teacher: Dr. Anagha Bhat-Behere, Department of Foreign Languages


1. Ms. Yogandhara Abnave. Recitation Pushkin poem in Russian.

2. Shailesh Musale. Recitation Pushkin poem in Russian.

3. Ketaki Joshi Srivastav. Recitation Pushkin poem in Russian.

Institute of State Language and Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic

I. Arabayev State University (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)

Teacher:  Kanybekova Ainura Kanybekovna Associate Professor


Altymyshova Altynay. Recitation Pushkin poem in Kyrgyz language.

Askarova Fatima. Recitation Pushkin poem in Kyrgyz language.

Zhanybekova Gulnur. Recitation Pushkin poem in Kyrgyz language.

Amanbekova Adiana. Recitation Pushkin poem in Kyrgyz language.

Abdilakim kyzy Aykyz. Recitation Pushkin poem in Kyrgyz language translated into Kyrgyz by Shailoobek Duisheev.

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU, New Delhi, India)


Teacher: Dr. Meenu Bhatnagar, Assistant Professor, Centre of Russian Studies, School of Language Literature and Culture Studies.


1. Pooja Sinha, PhD student.  Recitation Pushkin poem «I remember a wonderful moment» in Russian

2. Ashish Kumar Mishra, MA student. Recitation Pushkin poem in Russian.

3. Payal Priya, MA student.  Recitation Pushkin poem in Russian.

4. Anshu Priya MA 5th year student. Recitation Pushkin poem in Russian.

5. Pradeep Kumar MA 4th year. Recitation Pushkin poem in Russian.

6. Akanksha Garg, MA 4th year student. Recitation Pushkin poem in Russian.

Penjikent Pedagogical College (Penjikent, Tajikistan)

Teacher: Nasiba Asrorovna Boboeva, Head of the Russian language department, Faculty of Humanities, senior lecturer.


Rakhimova Takhmina, 3rd year student. Recitation Pushkin poem "Kokhi yodgor" (Monument) in Tajik language.

Karimova Simo, 1st year student. Recitation Pushkin poem "Pagohi zimiston" (Winter morning) in Tajik.

Tajik National University (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)

Teacher: Rakhmatullaeva Zarina Aslamshoevna. Associate Professor, Department of Indian Philology, Faculty of Languages of Asia and Europe.

Shodmon Saidalizadeh. Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty.


Aminov Numon, Recitation Pushkin poem in Tajik.

Kurbonmamadova Bibidjaho, 4th year student. Recitation Pushkin poem in Tajik.

Kazan Federal University: Center for Indian Studies of the Institute of International Relations

Teacher: Dr. Guzel Mrathuzina, director of the Center for Indian Studies of the Institute of International Relations, PhD in History

Dimitriy Bobkov, senior teacher.


1) Krivokorytova Karina Alekseevna. Recitation Pushkin poem "A burnt letter" in Hindi.

2) Khokhlova Ksenia Evgenievna. Recitation Pushkin poem "Thou and you" in Hindi.

3) Pavlova Veronika Andreevna.  Recitation Pushkin poem in English.

4) Gilmanova Olga Faridovna. Recitation Pushkin poem in Russian.

5) Goltsman Maria Viktorovna. Recitation Pushkin poem in Tatar.

6) Moreno Urrego Ana Maria. Recitation Pushkin poem in Spanish.

7) Tikhomirov Maxim Sergeevich. Recitation Pushkin poem in Russian.

8) Kazakova Daria Alexandrovna. Recitation Pushkin poem in English.

Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (Belgorod, Russia)

Head: Ksenia Sergeevna Pozdnyakova, Deputy Dean, Pre-university courses for cultural and educational work of the Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens


1. Doumbia Aliou (Republic of Mali). Recitation Pushkin poem “I remember a wonderful moment” in Russian.

2. Traore Korotoumou (Republic of Mali). Recitation Pushkin poem "Monument" in Russian.

3. Diaw Malik (Republic of Senegal). Recitation Pushkin poem “You and You” in French.

Ogarev Mordovia State University

Teacher: Lyulev Artyom Olegovich, director of the Student Adaptation Center of the Department of Youth Policy.



1. Cheng Qian (China), Faculty of Foreign Languages. Poem by A.S. Pushkin's "The Cart of Life" in Chinese

2. Mei Peng, (China), Faculty of Foreign Languages. Poem by A.S. Pushkin “I loved you” in Chinese

3. Yang Yiting, (China), Faculty of Foreign Languages. Poem by A.S. Pushkin “If life deceives you...” in Chines

4. Rovshan Bazarov (Turkmenistan), 1st year student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Poem by A.S. Pushkin “Talisman” in Turkmen language

5. Ayash Baker (Yemen), 1st year student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Prophet" in Arabic

6. Feya Khan, Faculty of Foreign Languages. Poem by A.S. Pushkin “What is in your name...” in Chinese

7. Abu Gulov (Tajikistan), 2nd year student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Prophet" in Tajik language




Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH, Moscow)

Department of Romance Philology Institute of Philology and History

Teacher: Dr. Larisa Khoreva, Associate Professor


1) David Chalidze, 3rd year student. Recitation poem in Spanish.

2) Alina Ibatullina, 3rd year student. Recitation poem in Spanish.

3) Aidan Alieva, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Spanish.

4) Taisiya Belenko, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Spanish.

5) Arina Glushkova, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Spanish.

6) Novikov Dmitry Dmitrievich, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Spanish.

7) Alexandra Logunova, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Spanish.

Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Foreign Regional Studies,

Institute of the History and Archive

Teacher: Dr. Anna Shatravka, Associate Professor


Eva Kokonova. Recitation Pushkin poem “I loved you: love, perhaps…” in Chinese.

Nikita Lakhonin. Recitation Pushkin poem “If life deceives you...” in Chinese.

Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Institute of Linguistics,

International Scientific Center for South Asian Studies

Teachers: Indira Gazieva, researcher International Research Center for South Asian Studies;

Alexander Stolyarov, associate professor of the Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Foreign Regional Studies, Institute of the History and Archive


Elena Shah, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Hindi.

Margarita Ermalyuk, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Hindi. 

Anna Muradova, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Hindi.

Gayane Poghosyan, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Armenian.

Alina Zvyagintseva, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Russian.

8. Ksenia Dumnova, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Russian.

Egor Kryuchkov, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Russian.

Anastasia Shitikova, 1st year student.  Recitation poem in Russian.

Bogdan Fateev, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Russian.

Anastasia Burda, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Russian.

Varvara Shcherbakova, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Russian.

Daria Prokhorova, 1st year student. Recitation poem in Russian.

02:50 pm -03:00 pm Valedictory



1. Russian State University for the Humanities:

a) Student Affairs Office

b) Department of International Relations

c) Department of Foreign Regional Studies and Foreign Policy, Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Foreign Regional Studies, Institute of History and Archives

d) Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of the Institute of Linguistics

e) Department of Romance Philology of the Institute of Philology and History

f) International Scientific Center for South Asian Studies

2. Russian House Mumbai (Rossotrudnichestvo, Mumbai, India),

3. Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi, India)

4. Kazan Federal University: Center for Indian Studies of the Institute of International Relations (Kazan, Tatarstan, Russian Federation)

5. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (Belgorod, Russia)

6. American University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

7. Institute of State Language and Culture of the Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

8. Penjikent Pedagogical College (Penjikent, Tajikistan

9. Tajik National University, (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)

10. Ogarev Mordovia State University


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