
RSUH students organized yoga flash mob on Mai 16.2024

Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia

On Mai 16, 2024 as part of the "Yoga in Moscow Universities" series, the first Yoga master class was conducted at the RSUH University today by JNCC Yoga teacher Dr. Brijesh Gupta.

The yoga master class brought together more than 40 students from the Russian State University for the Humanities. Having laid out yoga mats in the gym hall, Russian students began to study yoga asanas included the physical and breathing exercises that taught them to breathe correctly, strengthen the spinal muscles, concentrate, suppress fear, confused thoughts and increase work activity.

RSUH students made a basic cycle of the “Surya Namaskar”exercises or yoga pranayama - the main training for breathing practice. Students did these exercises quickly, easily and fun.

Yoga teacher Dr. Brijesh Kumar Gupta JNCC Yoga teacher thanked the RSUH students and teachers for their hospitality and invited them to provide the International Yoga Day (UNESCO), which is celebrated annually on June 21.

On behalf of the Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Center Embassy of India in Moscow, all participants will be awarded certificates.



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